Why Do People Resist?
Published: Wed, 08/18/21
Ever notice how people....Including you and me.... Tend to resist the very things we know would make all the difference? I suppose I can't speak for…
Diane Hochman's Newsletter
Published: Wed, 08/18/21
Ever notice how people....Including you and me.... Tend to resist the very things we know would make all the difference? I suppose I can't speak for…
Published: Tue, 08/17/21
So I was supposed to be teaching a big class on email marketing tomorrow night. I was super e cited to get in to the trenches and really show people…
Published: Mon, 08/16/21
if you are at all connected with me on social you've probably heard by now that I landed in the ICU with covid last Tuesday. One minute i'm coming off…
Published: Mon, 07/26/21
Heidy Ho... The other day I saw Gary Vee use something new on Facebook so I thought I'd give it a whirl tonight. It's an audio room where we can all…
Published: Wed, 07/21/21
They always say ... You have to find "your why" And your "why" doesn't make you cry... It's not your "why" I always thought that was kinda cheesy as I…
Published: Tue, 07/20/21
You can get e cited about a product... But that won't get you there. You can join program after program... But that won't get you there. You can buy…
Published: Mon, 07/19/21
Home business success is just really mastery of a bunch of small skills all put together. In working with thousands of novice marketers over the years…
Published: Sat, 07/17/21
I'm a weirdo. I admit it. I wandered through life for many years just doing what society e pected me to do... I went to college... Racked up student…
Published: Thu, 07/15/21
I have been at this for more than 20 years. Making money from home. And there is always a 'HOT" marketing method of the week that all the gurus tell.
Published: Wed, 07/07/21
You can get help... Or not. You can learn more... Or not. You can earn more... Or not. You can build skills... Or not. You can earn more money... Or…