I have been at this for more than 20 years.
Making money from home.
And there is always a 'HOT" marketing method of the week that all the gurus tell. you is THE ANSWER.
And maybe for a while it was.
But by the time the masses are catching on it's generally over saturated and not performing the way it once was..or is it???
Take for example email marketing.
There was a time when everyone was screaming abut it and everyone and their uncle set. up a capture page and got an autoresponder.
They wrote the list for a bit and then they abandoned it because it wasn't "fast enough"
And off they went to the next "hot method"
In the mean time people like me kept going and little by little we build empires.
It was never that it didn't work for folks...
it was that they never got in front of enough people to get traction.
Make sense?
If you've been around the block at all no doubt you have been told that doing LIVE VIDEO is a big key to home business success...
And it IS.
But Facebook and other platforms shifted from favoring lives to favoring stories and the number of views on live videos dropped...so people abandoned the technique.
Just like they did email marketing and Youtube marketing and so many other methods that in reality never stopped working.
The trick was to just learn how to get in front of more people with the technique.
Basically you need to gain LEVERAGE.
So nI am always looking for ways to do the same amount of work but to get it to be in front of WAY more people.
Often in the form of software that allows me to be more places at once.
There's only one me and I want to be everywhere.
And now I can!
I just found this phenomenal software that allows me to broadcast videos as LIVES to up to FORTY places at once.
And you can schedule them in advance so you have video working for you all day long across platforms giving you the ultimate leverage.
Now to be transparent.
I already have been using a piece of software that allows me to multi stream to 3 places at a time but it does not allow me to prerecord and preschedule and basically SET IT AND FORGET IT like this.
Plus THE BEST PART is that this software is a FRACTION of the course of the other one as this is a lifetime deal for $99!
The other one I use is a subscription that I pay for over and over again.
I got it because it game me huge leverage...
But this software gives me WAY MORE!
Imagine taking an afternoon and recording ALL YOUR CONTENT FOR THE WEEK and then scheduling it so it APPEARS that you are constantly on social.
<Guess what...This is what the big dogs have been doing all along>
Ever feel like you can't keep up?
Well if you try to do it all on your own YOU CANT.
But if you use leverage you can get ahead of the curve and WIN.
Ya gotta check it out HERE
And listen...
Just for kicks and giggles...
If you get it and send me over your receipt I will schedule a time where we can record a video that you can use in your content schedule.
You can beam us out all over the internet.
Will be super fun and of course I will share it to get you in front of more eyeballs.
Let's really get things in gear for you.
Once and for all grasp the idea of LEVERAGE and understand that techniques like email and live video don't stop working.
It's just that the distribution channels that you were using changed up how they serve your content.
So DON'T WAIVER...Just side step the barrier you put up and SCORE.
This is gonna be so fun...
I will everywhere...
How bout you???
P.S. You must get THIS OFFER by Friday night in order to get the bonus video together.
I can only do so many of these so I have to limit it.
I'm sure you understand <3