You can get excited about a product...
But that won't get you there.
You can join program after program...
But that won't get you there.
You can buy course after course...
But that won't get you there.
You can hang on your gurus words on Clubhouse or lives...
But that won't get you there.
So if none of those things is IT...What the heck is???
THE SECRET dear communication.
If you you sit down and TRULY look at why you are struggling you will see that you simply have not learned how to communicate and influence...
No one reads your posts?
No one watches your lives?
No one responds to your messages?
Can't recruit anyone?
Sign up people but they don't do anything?
So doesn't it make sense that the thing you should be working on MOST is your communication skills?
Until you understand what drives your prospect you are basically at the mercy of the script.
Let me ask you...
How do you respond to people who speak in scripts to you?
How do you respond to copy and paste messages that are clearly not for or about you?
Not so good...
Snd yet we hope and pray they might work for us!
I was taught all the scripts too.
And the shuck and jive sales stupidity that plagues the space.
It wasn't until I noticed that the guys with all the money were doing NONE of the things they were teaching me.
That's when I WISED UP.
And if you haven't yet I hope this letter really makes you think.
There's a reason why I don't teach all that stuff.
That's not the way I want to treat people and it's not the way I want to be treated.
And there's a good chance you are stalled in your business because deep in your heart you KNOW that there has to be something more and a better way to connect with people where it doesn't feel slimy.
There IS.
But it means you are going to have to start THINKING.
Thinking about what you want to say and what your prospects want to hear.
Because that is the foundation of it all.
Soon I will be cranking up some SKILLS CLINICS to help you.
Yes.....We'll have some that focus on some internet and technical skills...
But the vast majority will be about COMMUNICATION and how to apply it in different venues like Facebook, Instagram, Email, Tik Tok, Youtube, funnels and so on.
What you'll find is that once you GET how to communicate with prospects you'll find all these platforms are not so very hard at all.
In fact...You may even TRANSCEND most of them.
That's never gonna change so why don't we start digging in to learning that NOW.
It'll change your life.
Deep Breaths and BIg Hugs...
Your Word Slinging, Psychology Wielding Pal...