I'm a weirdo.
I admit it.
I wandered through life for many years just doing what society expected me to do...
I went to college...
Racked up student debt.
Got a job...
Got married...
Had kids...
Got into the hell of credit card debt....
Worked, changed diapers, cooked, cleaned...
Went to the family bar b ques and talked about who was doing what, when and with whom.
Quit my job to stay home with the kids when I realized after commuting and daycare I was making less than $1000 a month
Tried making money by doing crafts...
Joined an M.LM
Did the rah rah.
Sold my diet pills.
Walked, talked and smelled like the rest of the reps...
Until one night while perusing the dial up internet that took 20 minutes to load a page
Scouring the web to fnd "the secret" to network marketing that I believed was out there somewhere
I read and article about MARKETING.
And something happened inside of me.
I knew I had hit the MOTHER LODE and I became obsessed with learning everything I could about DIRECT RESPONSE.
How to talk or write to people in bulk and get them to RESPOND.
How to sort through people to find the perfect prospect who actually WANTED to buy my stuff.
And how to compile list of people that would allow me to further sort them in order to find THE BUYERS.
The ones that would buy over and over.
And in a moment...
Me...The ADHD girl with poor reading skills all of a sudden began to consume content voraciously.
Book after book
Tape after tape
(There was no video back then)
Until one day like magic I started to spit out words that made people. want to buy from me.
And I never looked back.
But I have to tell you.
As nice as this all has been...
Very often I feel ALONE.
I feel like I have this magical gift but as hard as I try I can'yt give it awayo to too many people.
And it's certainly hard to find friends that want to sit around and talk about the wonders of direct response over a glass of wine on a Saturday night.
Small talk and chit chat...
Not for me.
I was never good at it.
But give ma a marketing campaign to dissect and I am in BLISS.
I live to watch a good pitch and love to see a sexy funnel.
I know when something will work and I know when it won't.
I listen to music...
I hear marketing...
Go to a movie...
I see marketing...
A simple trip to Target or Ikea becomes a fantastical treasure trove of ideas.
And you can often find me frantically texting myself those ideas before they fade away.
It's a disease that I absolutely LOVE having.
And very soon it will be my sole focus.
My youngest daughter is about to fly.
Fabulous job in New York City...
She's apartment hunting as we speak.
And come August I WILL be alone.
A little.
But exhilarating at the same time.
And now...for the first time in all these years my full focus can be YOU.
You and your business.
Helping you succeed.
With skills clinics, and workshops and God willing even in person events.
Where I take people by the hand and break down the concepts that are hard for so many but for some reason. have come easy for me.
It's a gift I take seriously as it has given me the opportunity to lay hands on so many people and in the years to come SO MANY more.
Helping people build their sites, refine their messages, spread their GOOD NEWS, sell their products and services and in the end giving them a new life.
That's the kinda sh%t that moved me.
This weird little girl LOVES giving this stuff to those that would receive it.
Not everybody can you know.
Only certain types are meant to be recipients.
Maybe that you...
Maybe you're just passing by.
I don't know.
But what I do know is that
Sometimes I feel ALONE.
And when I do the first thing I do is SHOUT OUT to those that can hear me.
Are you the recipient of my words this evening?
It's Saturday night.
Few will open this...
But you did.
Are you still doing what society expects of you?
Are you tired?
Or maybe you're already kinda free but still tied to the expectations of an industry that will chew you up and spit you out if you don't take control.
Do you long for control?
Of your business?
Of your life?
if so...
Tag...You're it!
You tell me...
What do you think is holding you back and how can this weirdo help you?
Chances are what you think is important isn't and what you think isn't IS.
This game can be very COUNTERINTUITIVE...
Pretty hard nto figure out on your own.
I had help.
One person who opened my eyes.
For that person I am forever thankful.
And hey...
I'm thankful for you too.
You're one of the weirdos that read this ramble.
I'll never know who my are unless you tell me.
I just knew that ONE PERSON needed to read this tonight.