You can get help...
Or not.
You can learn more...
Or not.
You can earn more...
Or not.
You can build skills...
Or not.
You can earn more money...
Or not.
I could go on and on.
But I'm just gonna leave this here...
You can grab a one on one with me...
Or not.
You understand that a long time top earner could give you some wisdom in an hour or two ..
Or not.
But this is the last call.
After next week I won't have time so this is LAST CALL.
Prices for sessions are
$150 for 50 minutes
$300 for 100 minutes.
These are for sessions that you allow me to repurpose for training.
If you want totally private because you are working on something secret just double the prices and hit me back for a link.
What could you learn in an hour or two?
What one tip could you get that would tilt your world forever?
I've been the #1 affiliate at a huge program for years.
Maybe I can help you...
Or not.
That my friend is UP TO YOU.
P.S. If you are in hit me back once you pay and we'll get you booked.
Tell me what day from the 9th to the 17th you'd like and I'll give you some times.