Home business success is just really mastery of a bunch of small skills all put together.
In working with thousands of novice marketers over the years I have found that besides self image issues which are rampant...
the biggest thing holding people back is that they have not mastered some basic skills.
People take class after class but never PRACTICE and therefore NEVER master a skill.
This leaves them searching for success for years on end when the very things that would make them successful have been sitting in front of them all along.
So I've decided it's time to run some SKILLS CLINICS to give people environments where they can not only learn about a skill but they can have an environment to become PROFICIENT with the skill.
And then once you are proficient it's only a matter of practice to gain mastery.
I am setting up a schedule and wanted to ask you...
What skills do you most need to master and If I offered clinics where you could learn and execute would that interest you.
Reasonable priced of course and LIVE HAND ON HELP...
Not recorded stuff you have to figure out on your own.
I have several clinics in mind but I wanted to check and see what YOU would like to master.
Trust me when I tell you...
Mentorship while learning these skills is EVERYTHING.
Otherwise you just go around in circles for months and even years or worse...
You shoot yourself in the foot and make the mountain you need to climb way higher than it was in the first place.
So let me know your thoughts?
Would Skills Clinics be helpful to you and if so...
What skill do you most want to learn?
Excited about this.
This is not for shiny object folks.
This is for people that are dead serious about being FRE.E.
Let me know if that is you.
Diane FREE SPIRIT Hochman