My Boyfriend...
Published: Mon, 12/12/22
It was 1976.I saved...And I saved...And I saved until I had enough.Then I waited...And waited...And waited...And waited until FINALLY my mom and dad…
Diane Hochman's Newsletter
Published: Mon, 12/12/22
It was 1976.I saved...And I saved...And I saved until I had enough.Then I waited...And waited...And waited...And waited until FINALLY my mom and dad…
Published: Tue, 12/06/22
Just incase you didn't register here's the link one more time.We're doing an overview of the 360 Marketing Method.Might interest you.Starts in just a…
Published: Tue, 12/06/22
Right ....Wrong?Who is to say which is which. Certainly not me.But I do know when something feels INCORRECTWhen it seems to be against common…
Published: Mon, 12/05/22
Hey...Last time I wrote you I was gunning to hit a top rank in one of the programs I work with.It was a crazy night anda bunch of people took me up on…
Published: Wed, 11/30/22
Did you read my last letter and have some interest but wanna chat on it?No worries...I'm gonna jump on my zoom at 9 est to go over the INCREDIBLE…
Published: Wed, 11/30/22
Welp...Here we are...End of the month and I am gunning to hit that VERY BIG RANK in my program.The group is close to a quarter million in volume and I…
Published: Mon, 11/28/22
Black Friday and Cyber Monday are such a weird phenomenon...It used to be one day...Now it's turned in to a season.And even with a month of screaming…
Published: Sun, 11/27/22
Hope you had a beautiful Thanksgiving.I did.My mom just turned 80 and my dad is 82 and I know that these holidays are precious.That's why I've been…
Published: Tue, 11/22/22
Truth....And I am NOT trying to sound snotty....But the truth is I DON'T CARE if you come to the friends and family gathering tonight.In a sea of "you…
Published: Tue, 11/22/22
If you read my emails I consider you A FRIEND and/or FAMILY depending on how long you've been around.I started emailing back in 2005 with the…