If you read my emails I consider you A FRIEND and/or FAMILY depending on how long you've been around.
I started emailing back in 2005 with the intention of helping folks with my thoughts, ideas, insights and yes....OFFERS that might be of service to you.
No big agenda...
Just letting you know what I
am up to and showing you things that might be of interest to you on your quest to be f.ree.
You probably know by now that my methods are different.
That I think out of the box and only move towards leverage and multiple streams of income so I have more time to enjoy this beautiful life.
What good is making all the money in the world if you're CHAINED to busy
That life is just not for me and that is why I have created The BeClub and my 360 Marketing Method.
And tonight I am doing my last PRIVATE...INFORMAL overview.
We did one last week and the response was incredible.
Then next week we'll crack the doors for friends of friends and in December friends of friends of
friends and come January we will blow the doors open for the public with workshops, courses, book clubs, fun events and all around MAGIC where for the first time the focus is not on a program or product...
The focus is on YOU and we use the programs and products to make that beautiful recurring income that allows us become MORE.
More of US.
Because the whole idea is
to learn how to BE.
That's always been my passion...
Always will be.
I just started doing this stuff 17 years ago before the world and the marketplace were ready.
But finally the internet and the technology tools have caught up to what I could see in my head.
And now it is
If you'd like to hear about it without any "showmanship"
Just a friends and family explanation....
Tonight's the night....
Register HERE
And just like
last time...
This is NOT for public consumption.
There will be no replay.
Yes...I will be out next week...
We'll be working over the weekend as there is money to be made with some awesome Back Friday specials...
But I will NEVER
do a talk like this again.
Because as the circle opens and we have more and more people involved the conversation will need to change.
Like I said.
This one is for "FRIENDS and FAMILY"...
My loyalists.
Because I want YOU to have a leg up.
And hey...
Last time I made people respond to get the link.
This time I am sharing it freely to my readers.
I know some will come to just peer in and see what Hochman is up to.
And that's fine.
But I hope you
come because you can FEEL me and KNOW that when I light up magical things happen.
And ya...
It might sound WEIRD.
But everyone thought that what I was describing in 2005, 2006, 2007 and then again in 2011, 2012, 2013 was weird.
And yet dozens of six and seven figure earners came out of each of those
Each taking what they learned and the money they earned and going on to THEIR bliss.
Not mine.
Because that's what BEING is.
Finding your words...
Your ideas...
The days of hustle and grind are OVER.
We are now in the season of BEING.
And it will be a very BEAUTIFUL season for those that can open their minds and hearts to a new way of thinking.
We begin TONIGHT.
Register HERE
See you then,
The Queen Of BE