Diane Hochman

Diane Hochman's Newsletter

When The Poop Hits The Fan...

Published: Mon, 11/08/21

When the poop hits the fan in your business... And trust me...if you hang around long enough ... Eventually IT WILL... The thing that is gonna save…

Two Decades Without A Job....Not Bad Eh?

Published: Sun, 11/07/21

It's been over 2 decades.. I haven't had a job in over TWENTY years. It's hard to even remember what it was like to commute every day... To put on a…

I Like EASY...

Published: Wed, 11/03/21

I watch SO many marketers make their businesses hard. They over complicate things and make generating income e tremely difficult. Me... like EASY! I'd…

The Weird Candy...

Published: Mon, 11/01/21

Well Hello There... It's November 1st. Hard to believe. It's been a WEIRD kinda year. And last night was a super weird Halloween. It's the first year…

Too Busy...

Published: Thu, 10/21/21

Busy Busy Busy Everyone is SO busy. No time to read my long letters... No time to do the things they know they should do. No time to THINK. But in a…

They Complained About Me...

Published: Wed, 10/20/21

If I write a letter about "lollipops, rainbows or unicorns" people all write back and cheer and tell me how much they loved the letter. But when I…

Is It Really Hard Or Do People Just Think So?

Published: Wed, 10/20/21

How come for some people marketing is easy and for others it's so hard? How come for some making money is easy and for others it's so hard? Is it that…

Easy Is As Easy Does

Published: Tue, 10/19/21

How come for some people marketing is easy and for others it's so hard? How come for some making money is easy and for others it's so hard? Is it that…

You Can Leave Your Hat On

Published: Mon, 10/18/21

There are two kinds hats people wear in this industry. Their CONSUMER hat. or Their BUSINESS hat. When you are wearing your CONSUMER hat you're…

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