If I write a letter about "lollipops, rainbows or unicorns" people all write back and cheer and tell me how much they loved the letter.
But when I write about making mo.ney ...how it is really done....
I get crickets, unsubscribes and complaints.
As Jim Rohn said...
It's a mystery...I wouldn't sign up for that class...
But you know me...
I'm a home business sociologist and I just always keep picking away at existence and why the people do the things they do.
Folks say they want a business and then get offended when you talk about business!
I've never understood why people who want to make money are so freaked about by talking about making mo.ney.
And why people who were completely on board one day flip and run for the hills complaining about all the people that tried to help them when they were gung ho.
So THIS LETTER is ONLY for the people who actually WANT TO MAKE M.ONEY.
If that's you...
Tonight at 8 est I am doing a
live demo on a plan I personally use to make a lot of cash flow in affiliate marketing.
It would be very advantageous to you to watch this WHETHER OR NOT the deal is for you just so you understand the mo.ney making thought process.
Back in the day I learned a particular thought process, applied it to my M.L.M and went from small time to a top producer in 90 days.
It was all in that little understanding of a m.oney making concept that tilted my world.
I have no time for babies who want to suck their thumbs and cry and complain about the people who are doing the do.
If that's you perhaps you should unsubscribe now.
Just scroll down and click.
This newsletter is about profitably working from home.
I am dying to share it with people who want to behave like adults and sit for a little bit and LEARN.
And if you do
show up tonight and the plan might be something for you of course I will be here to help you every step of the way.
Whiners and complainers don't make mo.ney.
Sorry to be harsh but the TRUTH is the TRUTH.
If you are a DOER consider joining me at 8 est.
Watch...ask me questions about why I did what I did.
How the process works...
Why this offer is crushing it?
What are the components that make people want to buy?
What are the components that scare people away.
Ask me about the sequences used in an offer like this and how you can apply then to what YOU are doing.
And when you do you will NEVER chase another person again.
I don't care if you buy something.
What I care about is that you become a successful seller.
And they only way you will do that is to get up close and personal with someone who knows how to do what you want to do and understanding that YOU are the only one that is going to make it happen,
Unsubscribing from newsletters and hitting the spam button to complain about the person you signed up to learn from isn't exactly the mark of a champion.
But sitting and learning and applying and asking questions IS.
That's what I did.
That's what all my top students have done and that what all top marketers do.
So you want to make a full time living in this game?
Then heed my advice.
Watch pros in action and learn why they do what they do.
Your world will tilt when you find that hidden order.
And your income will NEVER be the same again.
See you tonight....