Sexy Deals That I Dig
Published: Tue, 11/21/23
I love software and cutting edge stuff but I hate high prices.That's why I love this site.APP SUMOAnd right now they have all kinds of Black Friday…
Diane Hochman's Newsletter
Published: Tue, 11/21/23
I love software and cutting edge stuff but I hate high prices.That's why I love this site.APP SUMOAnd right now they have all kinds of Black Friday…
Published: Mon, 11/20/23
This week is Thanksgiving and that means it's time for the best cheesy marketing of the year!Black Friday is upon us!Based upon my inbo and incoming…
Published: Sun, 11/12/23
I connected with a friend I hadn't talked to in a while the other day.W go WAY back and have seen each other go through ups and downs over many years…
Published: Tue, 10/31/23
There's an old saying that goes...Making money is simple...But it's not EASY.And yet everyone goes out there and looks for EASY all the while walking…
Published: Tue, 10/31/23
I'm in an MLM.My team ranges from Canada To Latin America and does about $300k a month.It's a big team.Not the largest...But a truly decent size…
Published: Mon, 10/30/23
Viva La Revolution! What revolution am I talking about?Well The Joy Juice Revolution of course!If you've been around my camp for a while you probably…
Published: Thu, 10/12/23
Joy Juice Is Good Juice...For years I have always had something that I called JOY JUICE.It's generally a yummy beverage that gives me energy that I…
Published: Mon, 10/09/23
In case you missed it...I was at Dunkin In Dallas dishing today...(Yes...that's a lot of alliteration!)I braoadcast it all over but you can watch the…
Published: Fri, 10/06/23
I want to thank you.If you are reading this letter you are either someone who has stuck with me for a long while or a brand new person who has decided…
Published: Mon, 10/02/23
We Were Put Here To Evolve...To grow...To e pand...To become more.And yet so many of the ways we try to make money actually cause us to contract...To…