Diane Hochman

Diane Hochman's Newsletter

Sexy Deals That I Dig

Published: Tue, 11/21/23

I love software and cutting edge stuff but I hate high prices.That's why I love this site.APP SUMOAnd right now they have all kinds of Black Friday…

Best Cheesy Marketing Of The Year...

Published: Mon, 11/20/23

This week is Thanksgiving and that means it's time for the best cheesy marketing of the year!Black Friday is upon us!Based upon my inbo and incoming…

He Says It's Last Call At Midnight...

Published: Sun, 11/12/23

I connected with a friend I hadn't talked to in a while the other day.W go WAY back and have seen each other go through ups and downs over many years…

Walking Past Simple...(Final Call)

Published: Tue, 10/31/23

There's an old saying that goes...Making money is simple...But it's not EASY.And yet everyone goes out there and looks for EASY all the while walking…

Why I Don't Sell The M L M...

Published: Tue, 10/31/23

I'm in an MLM.My team ranges from Canada To Latin America and does about $300k a month.It's a big team.Not the largest...But a truly decent size…

The Revolution Is Almost Here!

Published: Mon, 10/30/23

Viva La Revolution! What revolution am I talking about?Well The Joy Juice Revolution of course!If you've been around my camp for a while you probably…

Joy Joice...

Published: Thu, 10/12/23

Joy Juice Is Good Juice...For years I have always had something that I called JOY JUICE.It's generally a yummy beverage that gives me energy that I…

Dunkin Dishing

Published: Mon, 10/09/23

In case you missed it...I was at Dunkin In Dallas dishing today...(Yes...that's a lot of alliteration!)I braoadcast it all over but you can watch the…


Published: Fri, 10/06/23

I want to thank you.If you are reading this letter you are either someone who has stuck with me for a long while or a brand new person who has decided…

Your Evolution

Published: Mon, 10/02/23

We Were Put Here To Evolve...To grow...To e pand...To become more.And yet so many of the ways we try to make money actually cause us to contract...To…

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