Is Your Upline Grooming You For Success (Or Picking Your Pocket)

Published: Thu, 08/09/12

It's been quite the week and I have to tell you
that we haven't even started the 90 day BLITZ that 
we are all riled up for...

I have been busy putting new training into place for the team
and getting everyone CLEAR on what they should be doing.

Plus I have added in a new feature where I will give monthly
one on one counseling to all of my team members that are in ACTION.

So today I am simply asking people who I know are out there struggling...

Is your upline grooming you for success...

or are they just picking your pocket?

This is a big question ..I know...

But it's one you MUST ask.

Are you getting the kind of support you need?

Or are they just selling you stuff over and over again?

Are they around and available for 3 way calls and to help
you work with your new team members?

Can you even reach them by phone?

Most can't...

In fact...I am CONSTANTLY floored by people who are stunned
that I actually pick up my phone!

Seems that some of the internet types who sponsor zillions of folks
don't..therefore leaving their team to try to find their own way

Just not cool if you ask me.

I gotta be real and tell you that I DO NOT nurse whiners and complainers

But if anyone is making any effort at all I am there to cheer them on and
GROOM THEM for success...

That is what we do in Network Marketing...

That is how massive teams are built...

It's all in the COMMUNITY

And if you are being left ALONE in the DARK...

You deserve more.

If you would like to know about the BLITZ we have going on 
and the leadership grooming we have in place...

Just ask me and I can fill you in...

I am looking for HUNGRY people that I can
build up into major leaders...

We do it HOME GROWN around here!

But no matter what...

Get yourself into ACTION right now...

There is no better time to get momentum going in your business.

Your 2013 depends on your action TODAY.

Go for it...

Your DREAMS await.
