You and Me...TONIGHT Baby!

Published: Mon, 02/06/12

I'm in the mood.

Haven't been out performing a lot
in quite a while and most of what I have
been doing has been marketing...

But tonight I am in the mood
to give a talk on MINDSET.

I mean let's face it...

In the end you can market your tushie off
but if you are not thinking properly
you ain't gonna get where you want to go.

Mindset and governing philosophy is
EVERYTHING when it comes to making 
SERIOUS progress in your business.

And knowing how to be with PEOPLE...

How to LOVE on PEOPLE is everything
when it comes to marketing.

They can FEEL you ...
Can you FEEL me now?

I have been standing on my soapbox
for years now...

Preaching the good news of this industry
Preaching FREEDOM.

And helping a lot of people.

The letters pour in daily from people 
who found their STRENGTH.

Found their PASSION...

Found their CAUSE
And when they did...the money poured in.

So tonight it's straight talk.
From my gut into yours.

And then for the next several weeks I will be
covering all kinds of stuff.
Marketing tricks

Headline construction
All kinds of stuff.

So get registered and join me at 9 pm est
Register Here
And BTW...if you think you don't need this...

If you are not making $10k a month I PROMISE you DO.

Show up.

Register HERE
See ya there,

P.S. I wrote ANOTHER email that brought in over $1k.
Isn't it time you got my Cash Copy Clinic and learned
how to write emails like this?

You can get it(and lots of other exclusive training)
for 14 days.  The trial is $10...the clinic is F.REE when you 
get the trial.($297 value) 
You can LEAVE if you do not LOVE what we
have going on on day 13 with no harm -no foul...
But you STILL get to take the course for F.REE.

Finally learn how to generate your own leads and build 
the list that will pay you over and over again!

And write the emails that CAUSE them to
THROW credit cards at you!!!

Serious...Check it out TODAY.