They Will Make You Laugh...

Published: Sun, 11/20/11

So by now you know that I have RUN AWAY and I am working on a

Don't tell anyone!!!
But while I am away I want you to be entertained and also 
to learn something.
So Monday night at 8 est I want you to go to 
The Proof Is In The Pudding Webinar
with Ray and Ferny at 8 pm est.
They are gonna introduce you to people who have gone from 
absolutely NO  search engine optimization experience to
SEO ninjas.

You need to hear the stories to understand why Ray and Ferny
are so beloved by many.
They are able to break it down so even girls like me can understand
and make profits on the internet via search engine traffic.
Here's the deal...
Imagine ONLY talking to people who want EXACTLY what you have!!!

That is what an SEO lead is like.
No joking.
So go to the webinar
Heckle Ray and Ferny...

I PROMISE they will make you laugh with their
SILLY hijinks...
Have fun and LEARN!!!

And tomorrow I will tell you about something VERY SPECIAL
I am doing in December for SERIOUS business builders.


I am going BACK to my undisclosed location where I
am concocting magical marketing things for 2012.

Diane...Warrior Princess and housewife extraordinaire