You Can't Handle The Truth...

Published: Tue, 11/22/11

Or maybe you can...
I don't know.
Remember that Jack Nicholson  scene where he barks at
Tom Cruise...
You can't handle the truth!!!
I think that is true of most home business wanna be's
They whip out their wallet...
Buy in..
And then when it comes time to DO SOMETHING they BALK
And then many COMPLAIN..
And they BLAME..
And then in a month or so they get all caught up 
in another deal and repeat the cycle...

Whip out wallet...
Buy In...
It's a never ending cycle for some.
Why...because they can't handle the truth
They don't want the truth...
They just want the PROMISE of FREEDOM.

And exactly that is what a lot of marketers make a living selling..
And I can't knock it...
But that is not what I sell.

I sell consulting and knowledge

And that is what the December Intensive is...

A small group of deadly serious people doing something CRAZY
this December...

Getting groomed.
Using my mind and experience to prepare their marketing for 2012.
This is not for the lolipops and rainbows crowd that wants someone
else to do it all for them.
This is for people that want to learn to CONTROL their destiny
instead of leaving it in the hands of some other guy.
I have 15 spots.
This is the video I sent out yesterday
And I just sent the sign up link to the people that inquired
so I expect they will be securing their spots any minute now.
But now that I have the link  ready I wanted to send you another
note to give you a chance to get your  spot.
20 hours in 29 days...

And intensity that most will NEVER work under
and yet it is what ALL pros do ...
Do you want to know the TRUTH?
Some people will tell you that you can blog and make money...
You can believe them if you want.

But I am telling you that it takes a whole lot more than that
if you  want to be FULL TIME.

And I am spending all of December with 15 BOLD people who
have made a decision.

I am pricing it so that it is accessible to ANYONE
and I am gonna work right along with you.
So if you want the spot...
Sign up and I will put you into the circulation to get all the dates and times.
TWENTY plus sessions.
A handful of people and some SERIOUS marketing.
That's what I am doing this December..
How bout you?
P.S.  Today is the LAST day to get SEO Networker BEFORE the price
goes up by $1000.
You can pay in 6 easy payments and it has a 365 day guarantee...
Plus...and this is for those of you that bothered to read till the end
of this letter...
If you get it through THIS LINK I will give you the December Intensive for F.REE
Just email me your receipt.
Ok..that's it.
I am in's 2 pm and I have been holed up in my room all day.
Time to go outside and enjoy the 65 degrees before I go back to the gray and 
dreary land called Connecticut!!!