Do It Baby!!!

Published: Tue, 10/18/11

Come on..
You KNOW you want to.
And maybe you really can't.
But then again...
Maybe you CAN.
What in the world am I talking about???
I am talking about coming to The Walt Disney World Resort
with me this weekend to attend the Live The Dream Event.
This is LAST CALL for tickets PLUS
the F.REE BONUS day I am giving my ticket holders on Friday
where I am doing HOT SEAT COACHING for everyone.
The day with me along would cost WAY more than the event ticket costs
and it's not to late to drive in or you can even catch a plane.
If you are withing driving distance of Orlando you are NUTS
not to come spend the weekend with me learning all kinds
of new MOVES to take your business to the next level.
I mean JEEZ LOUISE...Look at these hotel prices..
I just pulled them 2 minutes ago  on so they 
are accurate...
You can stay need to spend a lot...and in the end the investment
you make can be LIFE CHANGING.
Let me tell you a story.
Several years ago I went to an event.
I flew across the country all by myself hoping to learn some major stuff.
At that event I met Mike Dillard and Ferny Ceballos.
Not much later Mike asked me to be an instructor at
That catapulted my career and gave me a TON of credibility.
Fast forward and Ferny asked me to speak at The No Excuses Summit
I was on the BIG STAGE,
Now I am speaking at Live The Dream and I have not one but TWO 
offers to do HUGE product launches from people I met through going
to that one event not so long ago.
I went ALONE.
I was scared.
I was nervous.
And that weekend changed my life.
And this is gonna be that type of weekend.
And the good news is that if you come on down you
will NOT be alone.
You will have a whole gang to hang with.
 So trust your gut.
Move in spirit...
And just DO IT BABY!
Come to Orlando and MASTERMIND with me on Friday
and spend the weekend learning from the MASTERS of our trade.
Order your ticket HERE 
And then email me your receipt so I can send you our
secret meeting location for Friday.
You will NOT regret the decision.
Order HERE
 Can't wait to see you,
P.S.  If you missed my live broadcast last night and wanna catch 
the training and the BIG REVEAL of my new glasses...
Check that out HERE