Practice Shopping and Magic Genies

Published: Tue, 05/10/16

It is VERY unlike me to not write for a week.

Can't think of the last time I didn't stay in touch
with you for this long.

But this time something happened to me and I 
just never did take out the computer.

And truthfully...

I am glad :)

If you have been following my hi-jinks on
Facebook you may know that i have been
on a cruise in the Caribbean.

I have been on many a cruise including my
one this past February where our ship got
caught in 150 mile per hour winds!

And because of that incident the cruise line 
gave us some very nice vouchers and offers 
so I decided to go all out and upgrade into 
a ROYAL SUITE which believe it or not comes 
with a BUTLER!  They called him  Magic Genie!

Let me tell you ..,

This was crazy luxury like I have never experienced
and I have traveled A LOT!

It's funny...

Most people when they start their home businesses 
tend to think about material stuff that they want....

Cars, jewelry, houses.

But what I have found is that as you become more and
more successful that the STUFF doesn't mean much anymore.

It's the EXPERIENCES you crave.

The conveniences and the little luxuries...

Like flying first class or skipping the lines when getting onto 
a ship like the one we were just on.

Stuff like that changes your experience in a profound way
as it raises you out of the mass cattle car and make everything
just so much more pleasant.

It's not about being a snob or thinking you are above it all...

As some people assume...

But more about having the opportunity to enjoy yourself
just a little bit more.

And more enjoyment and freedom is what life is about.

That's why I chose to build a home business.

It was never to get rich.

It was to be FREE.

And learning to treat yourself just a little bit better each day

And learning that you DESERVE more is what takes you from
allowing yourself to order dessert at a restaurant (I was never allowed
as a family could not afford it) to spending a week having
someone TAKE CARE OF YOU like my Magic Genie
Francesco did this week.

Not very long ago I could have NEVER allowed this.

I just didn't think I was WORTHY.

So as I get ready to board a plane back to NY I want
to give you a little unsolicited advice.

Take the time to love yourself a little bit this week.

Give yourself a small indulgence as it is the starting point 
to training yourself to RECEIVE the abundance that you 

Wealth does not come in a flash as most people think it does.

It is an actual path and it begins with BELIEVING you are 
there now by allowing yourself one piece of $100 a pound chocolate
or one glass of wine that costs more than you would normally spend on 
a bottle...or one little treat for $5 or $10 that represents things to come.

Here's another tip.

This week go to a store that is WAY over your budget and PRACTICE
letting someone serve you.

Don't worry about needing to buy something.

Rick people look at things all the time and don't buy.

Its not weird...


Just try it out and see what it feels like in a store that has high service.

It's a far cry from Walmart and it takes practice to get comfortable.

I practiced shopping for a year...

Looking at $4000 hand bags and $1500 shoes.

Letting the person in the store serve me.

And today I am comfortable in any store, any hotel anywhere...

Even with a BUTLER!!!

I know this may be one of the weirder letters I have ever written 
you but what you don't realize is that it may be one of the most important

Because here is the secret.

Once you raise your standards it is almost impossible for you
mind to EVER go back

As you up the ante you TRAIN YOURSELF to make it the 
NEW STANDARD and your mind figures out how to make 
the money to keep you at your  set point

If your set point is broke...

You will stay there

But when you continually nudge your setpoint 
magic happens.


I did it

And you can too.

Ok...Plane time.

See you tomorrow.
