The Gates Are Starting To Close...

Published: Tue, 04/19/16

Two More days...

That's all you have to get in to the 
Beta Group of The Secret Club For
Marketers that just opened it's gates
a few days ago.

I am taking on a very special group of 
marketing "explorers" this month in 
preparation for the official opening
in June.

What is The Secret Club you might ask?


It's the place you go to learn everything you 
need to know about running a very successful
home business that YOU CAN'T GOOGLE.



The HUMAN PHYSICS of it all.

It's the place where you come to get help 
with your battle with yourself...

You know...when you don't feel like you can go on...

And its the place you go to get million dollar insights
that take you from convincing and begging to attracting 
people and getting them to sit on your lap and eat out 
of your hand.

I have been waiting to teach this for ages and
NOW is the time.

Add in sessions with my husband Larry who is a 25 year
experienced counselor who specializes in helping home
business owners break through and you have a combo 
that you can not possibly find anywhere else.

When it opens in June there will be a charge for it
but for the next month and a half I am letting a group 
of people be the BETA TESTERS and experience it 
for F.REE when they invest in Cesar Rodriguez's 
Snap Recruiting Course.

The course closes Wednesday night and so does the gate
to the secret club.

And once it's shut...its shut.

I already have people having breakthroughs in just the few
days we have been at it and right now I am showing the group
how to capitalize on a launch that is going on right now 
to stuff their pockets with cash flow.

The funny thing is...

My techniques are the complete opposite of most of the 
people who I CRUSH on a regular basis.

They don't cost a dime.

They don't make you look foolish and they line your
pockets with moola that you can use to build your 
business and get into that lovely residual income that
I KNOW you want.

Wisdom is Wisdom

This stuff was give to me by my mentor...

He got it from his and now I would like to give it to YOU

But you need to jump now or you will have to wait.

There is only one first.

There is only one Beta Group.

The people who are here now are the people who 
will hold a special place in my heart as having 
trusted me and voted for me when it came time 
for us to DO OUR THING.

Maybe you have been with me for a very long time
and you know what a big deal this is.

Or maybe you are new and HUNGRY to learn how I 
do what I do in the special almost effortless way that I do it.

Or perhaps you KNOW that without some STRONG GUIDANCE
you are NOT gonna make it.

This is YOUR place.

The environment you have been waiting for and all you need 
do to enter the gates is to grab THIS COURSE and I will let you in.

If you love it...stay with us for the grand opening in June.

Hate it...

No harm, no got a great course and you
can go on your way.  All good.

But believe me when I tell you that the free offer goes
away TOMORROW and that you want to be here TONIGHT 
to get the information that I am disseminating RIGHT NOW.

People will be scoring with this launch crushing stuff I am teaching.

Count on it.

I have one right now that I can see if REALLY getting it.

Would not be surprised to see them crush this launch
and have a four figure day promoting it while having a ball
and becoming more and more attractive in the marketplace 
by the minute.

I'd like to give that to you so go grab the course HERE and 
let me know IMMEDIATELY that you are IN.

And then I will get you into The Secret Club lickity split.

Think of it as having me on retainer to help you with 
all the questions that you don't even know to ask me yet.

Wisdom is Wisdom and it's time you got what we have to 
pass to you.

It will change everything.

If you'll let it.

Ok..Gotta go now.

If you wanted to hear more about the Snap Course and 
missed last night;s webinar it's HERE

Bottom line..this is ROCK SOLID prospecting and recruiting
training from one of the best in the industry wrapped around a 
hot new platform that you can capitalize on.

Who wouldn't want that?

And then you get me and Larry and The Secret Club thrown in.


I'll see you in the group.


Grand Mistress Of The Secret Club
and Twizzlers Lover 

Diane Hochman

Call me if you need me :)
860 218-9912

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Parts of this email are an advertisement...

But most of it is just a nice chick trying to help you
It's the law that I tell you that I might make some money and that
I tell you that you may or may not.

Funny thing is I told the TRUTH before it was the law!

Kooky me :)