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5 hrs
There are dozens more responses like this when they saw what I had lined up for TOMORROW.
And to be truthful I would LOVE to tell you but unfortunately ...I
Because its SECRET.
And no...I am not being a jerk.
It really is.
But what I can tell you is that a bunch of people will make money tomorrow due to what I have arranged.
But let me be clear...
The Secret Club For Marketers is NOT an opportunity and no commissions can be earned here.
It is a coaching club for learners and doers where you can download the experience of a #1 affiliate who has been in the game for 16 years and a 25 year experienced counselor who can help you create new habits that will lead you to success.
Add in the cool marketing campaigns we will help you run, the copy and ideas we will give you and the secret "CO -OP" system of marketing that we will offer you and NO...I am not talking about crappy solo ads...
I am talking you how to tap into the power of being a guru LONG BEFORE you ever become one.
All of this wrapped in the wisdom that my mentors gave me.
Thought processes that not only will change your business but they'll change your life.
And I wanted to contact you just one more time before I call it a night as this will ABSOLUTELY not be available
again until June at the earliest.
I have had many people approach me...
Ask me to extend...
Ask to not follow the process for
getting in right now...
And I have been very clear that I will not budge.
There is only ONE way to be in this beta group.
Because our clubhouse is not set up and I do not have
a way to accept payments right now and because I
believe that we are in a period of COMMUNICATION
REVOLUTION right now...
am opening up the club EARLY only for people who
that is only available until tonight at midnight pacific.
That is 3 am my time and as
much as I LOVE YOU...
I am not staying up to send you another letter.
This is it.
So if you want in...spend $197 ( there is a 2 pay option)
And get into The Club.
Buy the course HERE
We will be heavily using Snap Chat in the
months to come but in reality ..the course is about how to
TALK TO PEOPLE which is what EVERYONE needs.
Online, offline, mobile...doesn't matter...
If you can't talk to people you can't make money.
In the Secret Club I'll do a bunch of the heavy lifting for you....
But in the end you need to get the people in front of the offers
so if you don't learn
the fine art of communication you are dead
in the water.
Just keeping it real.
You can stick the course in a draw for a while if you
are not down to learn Snap Chat right now...
But believe me...
You want to be in the club now and not be one of the
people who see what's going on
tomorrow and kicks themselves.
And finally..on a personal note.
I am asking for your support with this project.
This is a big deal for Larry and me and when this
blows up and I know it will ...
We will remember and honor those that honored us.
On that note I will finish this up.
I'm a tired girl and I have a big day tomorrow with the
first club function that I am sure you will hear
about if you are not on board as its a pretty big thing.
But I am more hoping that I wake up to your name in my
inbox as someone who got the
course and joined the club.
If that's you I REALLY look forward to BEING with you and showing you a world of ease and flow.
I think you'll like it.
As I said earlier...
The Struggle is Real.
But some people choose to skip it.
I did...
And you can too.
Soul Hugs...