Would A Month Of Intense Mentorship Make a Difference?

Published: Tue, 03/01/16

I've been in this game for 16 years.

I went from an over zealous pitch monster to 
a very skilled online networker who never needs
to call or convince anyone to make a living.

I have seen it all.

The ups, the downs, the inside outs.

The trials, the tribulations, the drama.

And yes....THE JOY.

And if there is one thing I can tell you that
you need...it's a mentor who has no stake in 
your current business who will give you advice
not based on their own gain.

I believe in people.

In their core people are GOOD.

But there is no person on the face of the earth

who will not act in their own interest when push 
comes to shove.

It's genetics.

We are CODED to survive.

Can't help it.

So when you are depending on advice from 

someone who gains from your production to 
make their living no matter how amazing they 
are you have to know that the advice they are 
giving is always partially considering their own 
well being,

Doesn't make them bad.

Just makes them human.

I remember the first time I had someone 

outside my upline take a look at where I 
was in my business.

MY GOSH how different it was.

They saw things I never realized were there.

Profit angles I had never noticed.

Holes and gaps I never saw before.

The angels sang for me that day.

It was August 2005 and nothing has been the same since.

I shot up to six figures and never looked back.

Do you have someone who is not financially tied to you 
looking at your business on a regular basis?

A trusted counselor on retainer?

An environment outside of your program or business

where you can get a second opinion and solid advice?

If not....This March is perhaps the time to try that out.

As announced on my webinar last night I am 

doing something kinda cool this month as I have 
recommitted to my health and purchased a treadmill
desk to work from.

My objective is to spend as much time moving each

day as I can so I effortlessly change the signs of aging 
that I am experiencing these days.

I don't need to be a super model...<hee hee hee>

I need to not get old so quick!

And so I figured if I am going to be on the treadmill 

working a lot ...why not benefit a bunch of people
by providing a month full of hard core mentorship
and business consulting?

Keeps my mind busy while I move my body.

I would send you out last night's webinar but truth is we 

start today and do you really need to watch another webinar?

Or do you just need to get on board and get a month of mentorship

at a rock bottom price?

And then if you dig what we are doing and want to consider 

a deeper consulting relationship we can talk about it.

But I like to start people out in groups at a low cost to 

see if they will even follow though on the suggestions I give them.

Most don't.

(Just being straight up)

And then a few do.

They become rock stars.

Not because of me...

But because of their drive and desire and 

willingness to take direction.

Is that you?

Do you have drive and desire and a willingness

to take direction?

Do you want a mentor that is not giving you advice

based on their benefiting from your actions?

Would you like to speak daily in a group setting with someone

who has many years of experience and is the #1 affiliate
at the #1 attraction marketing school in the industry?

What if I told you that you can start today for $10?

And that our first call was tonight.

Would it be worth checking out?

If you want in all you need to do is sign up 

for that attraction marketing school with me 
as your referrer HERE and your mentorship 
will be fr.ee.   

Stay the ten days and see if we are a fit...

If so...hang around and let me help you build

using the cool tools we have for you...

Blog, capture pages, customer manager.

You name it...we got it.

Id like to pass along my experience to you 

saving you time and tens of thousands of dollars
and I'd like to show you how to SIMPLIFY your 
business and get profitable.

OR...perhaps you want to hang out but you 

are not interested in joining the attraction 
marketing school or maybe you're already in 
with a different referrer.

That's cool.

Hit me up and lets see what we can work out.

But do it quick because I am ready to hit the tread with you 


First session of at least TWENTY this month.

The amazing BUTT-A-THON officially begins today.

Help me get healthy while I help you craft a future

that changes your life forever...

Just like that guy helped me back in 2005.

Ever since that fateful day things have never been the same.

Your mentor...If you'll let me be....


Diane Hochman

Call me if you need me :)
860 218-9912

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Parts of this email are an advertisement...

But most of it is just a nice chick trying to help you
It's the law that I tell you that I might make some money and that
I tell you that you may or may not.

Funny thing is I told the TRUTH before it was the law!

Kooky me :)