The Sixty Four Thousand Dollar Question

Published: Sat, 02/20/16

When I was working for the state I spent a lot of time
looking at the pay levels and calculating how long it would
take me to work up to certain levels.

I was making $42 grand a year and pretty stoked about
the raises I would get as I would be able to max out at about
$64k in not too many years.

I planned how we could buy a house and a car and 
be SECURE knowing I work for the state and nothing 
could happen to us.

So I sit here today and giggle as yesterday I received a
commission payment for SIXTY FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS 
for just TWO WEEKS!  From only ONE of my income streams!

Don't believe me?

Hit reply and I will supply documentation.

I am not a here to play games.

I'm straight up....but if you don't know that for sure...


Can you imagine how scared I was when I walked away from that 
$42k state job with benefits and 3 weeks vacation back in the day?

I had two little kids and college and weddings to pay for.....

I craved SECURITY.

But I knew in my GUT there was something more for me.

And so I pursued it.

And while things were a struggle for a bit
after  a while...with mentorship... I got the hang
of things and before you knew if I felt more secure
in MY OWN efforts than anything a job could
ever offer me...

Even a state job.

(P.S. and By The Way...a few years after I left the job 
the whole department was eliminated....I would have been laid off anyway!)

So here I stand...

After all I went though and asking you the 

Sixty Four Thousand Dollar Question....

When will YOU make the decision to change your life?

When will YOU decide that there is something more for you out there?

And when will you accept the mentorship that will make 
things go MUCH faster for you than it did for me?

I am accepting appointments for one on one consultations
for the month of March from new marketing mentees who come 
that will help you promote ANYTHING you want to sell.

Use the tools and get my mentorship for free.

We kick off with an hour long one on one consultation and then 
you get unlimited group consulting all month long.

t's an amazing offer as one on one consulting with me runs $500 an hour.

Which... when you consider that I just earned $64k in two weeks... is a steal.

But right now you get it for free when you JOIN HERE

This is a limited offer.

You sign up....and set up your system over the next few days
and then I meet with you once you get acclimated...

Preferably during the first couple of days of March.

If you want to meet with me you want to make your appointment NOW.

It will cost you $10 to log in today and poke around and see what 
you think about the tools.

And then once your test drive is over and you are all set up 
we will meet and map our your strategy.

Stay a month or two or stay long term...

That is up to you.

But I promise you I can cut down your learning curve
and/or if you already have something cooking I can show 
you how to pull more money out of it...

Period over and out.

Profit is my middle name!


Will you answer it?

This letter is going out to about 7500 people.

I have 20 spots.

That's it.

The way I work one on one with people there is 
no way I can take more.

So if you are ready to do something this spring I wouldn't
wait to grab this.

And just to be clear.

I only do this once or maybe twice a year.

I'll tell you in the days to come why I am doing it now.

I have a VERY specific reason.

And my reason benefits YOU.

Can you imagine having ten, twenty and thirty thousand dollar
months regularly?

I could.

And I suppose that is why I am here.

Sure would like to have more buddies doing this.

It's actually much easier than you think.

Just takes  MAJOR shift of though process that I 
PROMISE you that you will not figure out without 
a mentor.

I don't care how many books you read.

I don't care how many webinars you attend.

I went it alone for years and struggled for every dollar I earned.

Within months of having a TRUE mentor things changed.


Ok..I am rambling on.

I always tell my students not to try to convince.

And yet I find myself here doing just that.

So I will stop.

But one last thing to consider....

Some people will read this letter and think...

Jezz Louise Hochman....

You're pitching us on that thing again???

Give it a break!

While a handful will understand that I am trying to 
show you what took me from $42k a year to $32k a WEEK.

I don't need your $10.

I don't need your $150


I don't need your $5 or $10k you would pay to work closer with me.

Don't need it at all as I know more residual income 
will come in tomorrow.

The question is...

What do YOU need?

And when are you going to get it?


Lady Hoch (as my friend Brian calls me)

Diane Hochman

Call me if you need me :)
860 218-9912

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Parts of this email are an advertisement...

But most of it is just a nice chick trying to help you
It's the law that I tell you that I might make some money and that
I tell you that you may or may not.

Funny thing is I told the TRUTH before it was the law!

Kooky me :)