True Confessions Of The Holiday Season...

Published: Tue, 12/29/15


Happy Holidays.

I know you haven't herd from me in a while
which is not like me.

I usually try to be in touch pretty regularly
to give you updates or at least to say hi and 
check in and see what's going on in your world.

But the last couple of weeks has really kicked me
in the butt.

Not sure if you saw the webinar I did on the 16th where
I shared some very big changes in my life and business.

If you didn't see if you can catch it HERE.

Very worth watching.

So in any case I revealed to everyone that as of the 20th 
Larry and I became empty nesters as my daughter Sarah 
has lived in Australia since the summer and my daughter Jill
has now gotten a job and moved to New York City.

And while I am of course incredibly excited for my babies...

Not having one of my girls with me for the holiday for the very first 
time really hit me for a loop.

Everything was off and truthfully I just didn't even have it in 
me to write to you.

Of course I was on Facebook and available to my teams etc 
but I was not vibing on the creative writing and business offers
if you catch my drift.

My heart was aching.

I had no energy to give out.

That is the beauty of having residual income.

You can get away with a lot in times like these.

You know you are getting paid no matter what.

So before I get down to business today I want to 
wish you HAPPY HOLIDAYS ...

I hope you had a ball.

And of course I want to wish you a Happy New Year and all that jazz :)

But today I am focused and dead serious about some stuff 
I am doing in January and I want to tell you about it.

I know that the best way to keep my mind busy and my heart not aching
is to pour myself into marketing....teaching and kicking off 2016 with a BANG!

So I am going to be working with a group doing something that I am calling 


And Larry (my husband the counselor) will be participating too...

Massaging your MIND while I work with you on your marketing."

This is gonna be an all in kind of thing for those that are dead serious 
about the new year and taking their business to a whole other level.

I will begin at THE BEGINNING....

Teaching about the concepts of ATTRACTION MARKETING
that very few understand.

I was personally trained by the creator of all this and know it 
like I know the back of my hand.

Once you understand the concepts we will move into generating leads 

Then we will create HYBRID funnels and then move into 
your own BRANDED funnels and sites that will build your list
that will get you paid over and over.

And then last but not least at the end of the month I will give you the inside
scoop and strategies on how to CRUSH a launch ..

Not just any launch...

But my own launch all about Lead, list and customer development

It's called TWIST YOUR LIST and it will change every thing for you.

People who are part of this group will be given exclusive insider
strategies on how to parlay this launch into a glorious pay check 
come February.

I am home ALL MONTH.

I am working ALL MONTH.

I am teaching ALL MONTH.

And all I want to know now is who wants to spend the month with me.

Building your list...

Sharpening your saw 

Making more sales

Learning new skills and thought processes

Me...I crushed my 2014 numbers in 2015.

And I have big plans for 2016.

I am an empty nester now...

And while this has been a hard transition for me

I also know it is a HUGE opportunity for me to 
take things to a whole other level in business.

For 16 years I have been the work at home mom.

Now it's time for me to craft a new story...

A new narrative

And to go places I never imagined before.

It's a whole the horizon....

Which is why I am calling this January


Want to participate?

All you need to do is be an ACTIVE Mastery member in my 

group at My Lead System Pro which will give you all the tools
you need to build your empire...

Website builder, customer relationship manager and blog

If you are already an active Mastery member with me....


Watch your emails for info from me.

If you are NOT a member you can go sign up HERE

And then stay tuned...

I have MUCH more info coming tonight and tomorrow.

Super excited...


Temporary Queen Of The Bayou 

Writing To You From Slidell Louisianna

P.S.  if you have not built a list that is paying you 

over and over ...what are you waiting for?

P.S.S. There will be NO confusing minutia discussed this 

month in this group.

Only quick and easy profitable strategies that yield results NOW.

P.S.S.  There's one thing I know about me.

When I am working I am working.

And the best time to learn from me is when I am 

doing just that.

I have lots of travel in February and March so NOW is the time.

Don't put this off.

P.S.S.  If you are wondering is MLSP might be a good

revenue stream...I about to hit a HALF MILLION DOLLARS 
in income with them and it only takes two people to be in profit,
ten people to make a grand and 86 people to make six figures.

This is all on the side of whatever you are already working on.

Call me kooky but this might want to be something you take seriously.

Diane Hochman

Call me if you need me :)
860 218-9912

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Parts of this email are an advertisement...

But most of it is just a nice chick trying to help you
It's the law that I tell you that I might make some money and that
I tell you that you may or may not.

Funny thing is I told the TRUTH before it was the law!

Kooky me :)