Special Offer For One On One Coaching....

Published: Fri, 08/28/15

Ain't nuttin like a one on one coaching session with a
pro to give you a break through.

Now imagine you could join together with 100 other

people to all have one on ones and you get to watch 
each other's sessions so you can learn from everyone's 
questions and marketing strategy suggestions.

Now imagine you got ongoing follow up and group consulting 

for NINETY(90) days to keep you on track and profitable...

That is what The One On One Sessions are!

And would you believe this is only $150 a month 

or even better..FREE for those that join my lead
generation system My Lead System Pro!

There's already 41 people ready to work along side 

you and I am making room for more HUNGRY marketers
who want to get ONE ON ONE help for their business.

September, October and November 2015 will be magical for this group.

The only question is...

Will you be a part of it?

To get a locked in spot go ahead and join the system HERE

This will give you all the tools you need.

You MUST be at the Mastery level to participate.

I am telling you...

This has never been done before and as a former teacher 

I KNOW this will by a learning environment that will create 
HYPER PROGRESS for those that work.

There is NO WHERE you can get access like this.

And I am only doing this for the fall.

And then its done.

Got questions???

Hit me up or come to my webinar Sunday night.

Register HERE

Already in MLSP or been in before?

Contact me direct for access.

I will offer it on a space available basis.

You MUST participate for 90 days and make 3 $150 payments
to get access to the group, the one on one, the follow up consulting
and all the recordings.

This package is worth minimum $1997.

But you do it for 3 easy payments of $150.

Or ask me about the side entrance  and I'll clue you in :)

Forty one people have already jumped up and down and said...


They know how valuable this is.

And they are DEAD SERIOUS.

So JOIN NOW, contact me or register for the webinar.

Just take a step!

Your 2016 is dependent upon this!

I'm on a plane all day so be cool if I don't get you immediately.

I promise...I will!


Lets rock this thing!


Diane Hochman

Call me if you need me :)
860 218-9912

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*The sender of this email receives compensation
when products and services featured herein are
purchased. Results are unique. Your results will

Parts of this email are an advertisement...
But most of it is just a nice chick trying to help you
It's the law that I tell you that I might make some money and that
I tell you that you may or may not.
Funny thing is I told the TRUTH before it was the law!
Kooky me :)