First Dibs Opportunity...

Published: Sun, 06/28/15

Man I have been working hard!

(which frankly is something I don't like to do)

But sometimes you just need to put your
head down and get er done.

And figuring I had TEN days out in Vegas having
fun and goofing off...

Some heavy duty work is in order...


So here's the deal...

I wanted to get it to you before it all goes
public and the ads start to roll...

(WHOA....Hochman is running ads...this MUST be important!)

We have ONE WEEK until my seventh annual Summer School
starts and I wanted to give you insider information, dibs
and all that jazz.

If you caught my letter on Friday then you already know
that I am doing something very special this year...

For the first time ever ...

I am making Summer School FR.EE to the public. read that right...

I am giving away SIX weeks of Attraction Marketing
training for F.REE!!!

All you need to do to get on that list is
Opt in HERE

That will put you on the list for everything.

And then for the big TA DA...

For the first time my husband Larry Hochman
will be conducting a six week MIND INTENSIVE.

Larry has helped SO MANY of my clients that we thought
it was PRIME TIME that we opened up the doors to a larger
group at a more reasonable price.

Over the next six weeks Larry...who is a 25 year experienced
certified counselor will help an exclusive group BUST
through their B&LLSH@T blockages that are keeping
them from the success they deserve.

(pardon the language but that is the right word for it)

We will be doing a webinar early this week on it
to give all the details but I know a bunch of people
have been o calls with Larry before and WANT IN now
without needing all the sales talk on a webinar.

If that is you hit me back NOW ...

I have the links ready.

Its $497 with payment plans available.

So bottom line is that this will be a life changing summer
for a bunch of people.

I hope you are one of them.

Whether you got for the F.REE Attraction Marketing Summer School.

Or whether you go for the six week Mind Intensive with Larry.

Or whether you reach out to me and find out how you can
come BEHIND THE SCENES and work Summer School WITH me.

(while peeking inside the creation of a quarter million dollar residual)

(ask me how to get in to that private enclave)

The choice is up to you.

We are opening our arms to you this summer.

Now all you have to do is take a step to come along
and set your self up for 2016...

Your biggest year EVER!

Around all day if you need me.
