What You Were Praying For....

Published: Sat, 06/27/15

I can't afford it...

I am broke...

My wife will kill me...

I am behind on my rent...

I am deep in debt...

The list goes on and on....

The reasons people give me for not
being able to work with me.

And you know what...

I get it.

I was broke...

I had left my job and ran my family
$40k into credit card debt.

Creditors calling....two little girls to feed...

I've been there.

But I never let it stop me.


Cause here is what you need to GRASP.


You are NEVER broke if you choose not to be.

You have your mind, many resources and your PASSION.

And with those things ...

Money is right around the corner

It was for me.

Or maybe you are not broke...

You just have a myriad of other excuses...

I don't have time...

My spouse is not on board...

I'll get in trouble with my job...

I don't feel good...

My computer is broken....

My kids are home for the summer....

My dog ate my homework....

You get the picture.

And you KNOW in your heart that all of this
stuff is BALONEY....

Excuses we all use to keep ourselves from
moving forward to where we want to go.


Let me then ask you this...

What if I made it FREE?

What if I held your hand.

What if I supported you for six weeks straight?

What then?

Would you still pull those excuses?

And if I took away all the excuses above...

What will you say then?

Will you avoid me as you know I gave you the
shot you have been looking for and you squandered it?

Will you say it all sucked even though I am the #1
affiliate in my program and I showed you all my tricks?

Or will you perhaps just fade away?

Cause this summer I am giving away my FAMOUS


And YOU are invited.

Six weeks of hard core ATTRACTION MARKETING
hands on work that will cost you absolutely NOTHING.

Is there a catch?

Well yes and no.

The training is absolutely f.ree.

But to be transparent..

I will be conducting all the training using the tools that
I use on a daily basis so after the first week or so you may
want to join me using that tools to make your life easier.

(and to get on the inside of my HIGH LEVEL MASTERMIND)

But that is up to you.

Use whatever tools you want.....

Take what serves you...

Trash the rest...

Whatever you like.

But always remember that EXCUSES
are just stories you tell yourself.

And that one day back in 2015 a crazy lady
held out her hand and said...

Come to summer school...

It's FREE...


Now the only question is...

Will you believe in yourself?

Want in?  Send a blank email to sb@aweber.com

That will put you on the list.

We start SOON.

Do not delay.

You WANT to be plugged into this.

Cause I will tell you one thing...

This will NEVER be FR.EE again.

You have been saying you REALLY want
someone to help you...

That you really need a LEG UP....

You have been praying for your SHOT...


Well this is it.

Will you take it?
