I'm Starting Tonight....
Published: Sun, 05/31/15
Not so much for the money...
(Although we'll make lots)
But more so for how it will help people
and the world...
Yes...NO BULL...
This project is going to help the world.
And of course...when I begin a new project
I sit down and create a strategy that I am going
to hit it with.
And this time around I am going to let a group of
people look into my MIND and see how I think when
attacking a long term residual project like this
while at the same time helping them attack their own.
I call it the Networking Funnels Workshop
And it starts TONIGHT.
I was supposed to start tomorrow but I have stuff
to do TONIGHT so I am letting folks peek at what I am
My project actually opens tomorrow night so I need
to get things in order NOW.
What's cool is that when you use the techniques
I show you ...
You DO NOT need to prepare weeks in advance
in order to score.
What I am going to teach you will set you up to score
in every launch, new product offering and recruiting
run you ever want to go on.
And the cool part is that like I have told you...
I give this training away for F.REE to my
Mastery members in My Lead System Pro.
I ain't #1 over there for NUTTIN.
If you are in an M.L.M or if you are in affiliate
marketing of any kind....this stuff is PURE GOLD
and this month I am not just giving you THEORY...
I am showing you how I actually do it in REAL TIME
and then once you watch me we will do it for YOU.
But let me be clear...
I have no time for baby sitting this time around.
I am going to be FAST AND FURIOUS...
Which truthfully is EXACTLY what you want to see.
The REALITY of what goes into a project like this
And how SIMPLE it can be.
So if you are not in Mastery yet...
Sign up HERE
It's $10 to get in the door and $150 to stay for the month and
watch everything come to life.
I will be showing you exactly what I do and then I will
be helping those that are working how to create their own
Already in MLSP but still want in?
Hit reply and I will tell you how to come along.
But if you are reading this and you are not in MLSP
and you pass this offer up for $150 you are downright
The last time I showed people something like this was
over two years ago and during that period they watched me
sign up well over 100 people AND win a $10000 cash prize
all in the same period.
Now I don't know about you...
But I would think you would see the value in being
in the middle of something like that.
You can buy another recorded course.
Up to you.
You can study it...
or you can DO IT.
The choice is yours.
Sign up HERE
And come learn how its REALLY done.
And then do it for YOURSELF.
With my helping hand.
Go NOW because I am actually putting up
the first site of the series TONIGHT and you can
come and watch if you are free.
If not...
No worries.
Much more to come in the weeks ahead but you want to
get your TRIAL now so you can be up to speed on the tools
by the next time we meet which will be in a few days.
Ok..I gotta run.
MUCH work to do.
P.S. Guess where I a going this weekend...