Why I Don't Pander To People To Get On My List...

Published: Mon, 05/04/15




That all they talk about.

How to get leads on Facebook

How to get leads on Instagram

How to get leads on Youtube




And they talk about TARGETING people
(imagine a bulls eye on you)

and using a TRIP WIRE
(imagine me sticking a painful wire in front of you)

And then they tell me to BAIT you...
(imagine you with a hook in your mouth!)

Sorry...but that is just not what I am all about.

I do not want to pander to people and PAY to get the
to give me their email address so I can then try to convince
them to check out my recommendations and buy stuff from me.

I know it works...

I know its what folks do...

But not me.


I want a relationship with you BEFORE you even
walk in the door cause I don't have time to CONVINCE
you or write you a bunch of sales talk.

Know why?

Cause I know that I know that I have answers for you
and that I can help you get where you want to go.

So NO...I am not gonna beg or bribe you to come
and get my updates!

I only want HIGHLY QUALIFIED people in here.

People like YOU.

Because chances are you got here by private invite,
or after watching a video or a webinar or after observing me
somewhere on social media where you could poke around and
check me out.

NOT after responding to an ad about how I am going
to show you how to generate 362 leads in a day or get
rich in a week.

I just don't believe in that crap.

I know it works in the short run...

But its not for me.

That is just not what I am about.

I am about long term mutually beneficial relationships
between parties that understand EXACTLY what is going on.

I am about passing along my knowledge about building
a successful home business to people that are serious
about making a change

As opposed to jacking a bunch of hopefuls.

THIS is why I do not pander to people to get them on my list.

This is why 3 to 5 WILLING people joining me a day
suits me just fine.

This is why I have an insanely wonderful base of customers
and partners who collaborate with me time and time again.

And for that I am THANKFUL.

Yes...it was a controversial stance back in 2006 when I
started shouting about my ideas all over the internet.

But time has proven that the path is solid and that
treating people like partners instead of marks is a much
better long term plan.

Look around....

Who is still standing since 2005?

Only people who SERVED.

Now do you have to use my list philosophy to do well?

Absolutely NOT.

You can go generate leads to your hearts content as long
as you understand that those folks need to learn to trust
you and it my take quite a while and that in the end
we all generate pretty much the same number of prospects.

I just prefer to cut to the chase and skip a lot of rungs on the ladder :)

Always have...since I was a kid!

So anyways...

That's my rant for today!

Hold up your olympic score cards and rate me ...

On a scale of 1 to 10....

Good rant?

Bad rant?



You tell me.

And while you're at it...

Tell me what I can do to help you go where
you want to go.

As you know I set up my camp at my favorite
marketing school and using their tools I am committed
to helping out as many people as will let me.

They just need to settle down....and put on blinders and
once and for all...Learn to be a PROFESSIONAL marketer.

It's really not that hard.

Even this technology impaired housewife did it.

I know if you are here...

You can to.

I have not a doubt in my mind.

And I'll be here when you are ready.


Ranter with a Cause

P.S.  Tonight is the last night to join my May intensive
for network marketers.

Get a hold of me if you want in but are not set up yet.

This is big stuff..first time I have done this and ONLY time
I will do in 2015