Kills Me.....

Published: Thu, 04/30/15

Kills me to watch so many good people
being pulled around by the nose while they
are trying to find answers about how to
network online.

All they want to do is find more people
to talk to about their program but the
next thing you know have spent 6 months
playing TECHNOLOGY BINGO without
a presentation in sight.

Their wife(or husband or partner) is mad....

Their upline is mad...

But deep down they just KNOW there is a better
way than bugging Aunt Tilly and strangers at
the mall.

Well this month I am reaching out my hand
to those of you who just want to


and learn how to get those folks in front of
presentations enough times until they POP.

Without pushing...

Without prodding...

No convincing and no cajoling.

And here is the best part.

for my My Lead System Pro Mastery Members

I told you about it last week and now I am starting
final call for people to jump on board.

I have quite a nice group shaping up so I know
it's gonna be awesome.


No sales pages

No begging you to come along.

It's $150 bucks to get all my online networking knowledge.

You decide if you want it.

And if you do....Just go HERE and sign up.

(You MUST be at the MASTERY level to gain access)

Stay for the month or stay for my next secret
intensive in June.

Up to you.

All I know is that NO ONE is teaching this
stuff out there I am giving it to my members for FR.EE.


Cause someone taught me and now its my time to teach YOU.

The question is..

Will you use it to create a multi six figure business like I did....

Or will you let it pass you by?

We're getting down to last call so why not go
take care of it now.

We begin mid next week but the group is already open
for your questions and the tools are ready for your configuration


$150 bucks.....a whole month of all my techniques.


And I'll see you in class!


P.S.  Isn't it time you built the residual income you deserve?


This month is ALL about how to lead people
towards residual programs...

 I WILL NOT be covering all the internet advanced stuff.

Just the hard core basics of getting people onto a list
and getting them to look at your product or program.

The cool part is once you understand this you can COMBINE
it with all the advanced goodness that is out there...

BUT...if you don't get this...

No advanced under the sun is gonna get you making money.

If you have been fooling around with internet stuff and not made
progress in your M.L.M ....