Diane and Larry Sandwich...

Published: Mon, 12/29/14

Have you met my husband Larry?

If you participated in The Guru Code or
December Intensive you know...

If you are friends with him on Facebook
you know...

Or if you have visited his SITE and gotten his
emails you know for sure ...

He is a pretty special dude.

And for the last couple of years he has been helping
my clients tremendously because most of the time
of someone is struggling it is not a new marketing
technique they need....

It is a new way of thinking.

And a way to blast through the blockages and
resistance that has been holding them back.

This is Larry's gift.

Taking people and unblocking them.

He has worked magic with some of the 
incredibly smart and capable people 
who have come through  my camp.

He has taken the unsure and turned them into rocks...

The wounded and turned them into warriors.

Amazing stuff to watch.

I am not embarrassed to say that I am a bit of 
a marketing savant...

I just look at a deal and I know how to
pitch it in the easiest and most lucrative way.

I can put something together in minutes
and can extract mon.ey from most every situation ...

And I LOVE showing people how to do it...

Especially one on one with specific parameters.

But I cant teach anyone to do it if they are
resisting the attention and the revenue.

No matter how good a job I do it is just impossible.

Which is why for the first time ever...

Larry and I are taking on Protege Students
as a team....

90 days of unlimited access(within reason) to BOTH
of us so that you have top notch advisors for both
your mind and your marketing.

With 25 years under his belt as a certified counselor
Larry knows how to bust you out of your destructive 

and with 15 years running a successful home business
I can mentor you in marketing just about anything.

This offer is only open to FOUR protege students.

Includes counseling and consulting from January 1
through March 31st and also includes a one on one 
day with either of us (your choice) here in Connecticut

(or at the location of your choice if you cover travel)

If you feel this is something that would make a difference 
for you contact me for a chat to determine if you qualify.

The price for this access to both of us is
and unheard of $2500 for the quarter.

WHY so inexpensive?

Because this is what we do.
This is who we are.

We help people like you find their freedom.

This is not how we make out living.

This is how we find our bliss.

Are you ready for change?

If so contact us right away.

With only 4 spots they are not going
to be here long.

The one on one day alone is worth $2500.

And no...we will not be opening any more spots
before  April first giving our existing clients the
option of retaining their spots in the program so 
I do not expect many to be available.

NOW would be the time to make the DECISION.

2105 is here.

And we are extending our helping hand to 
a lucky few.

Let me know if one of those people is you.

And we'll put you in a Diane and Larry Sandwich!

<I am giggling!

<Too Funny!>

Speak soon,


P.S. If this is not for you at the moment...

No worries...Stay tuned...I have some other mega cool
stuff coming out for the new year....Just watch.