Declaration of War...

Published: Fri, 07/04/14


Happy Fourth of July to all my
flag waving American buddies...

Happy belated Canada Day to all my
neighbors to the North...

I am guessing there is some sort of bank holiday
in the UK round this time of year and gosh knows
there is something cool this winter in Australia.

Today in the states its Independence Day.

The day we celebrate our DECLARING
independence from England..

But what most people don't realize is that
FIRST comes the DECLARATION and then 
comes THE FIGHT.

The WAR came after the document.

comes AFTER you DECIDE.

And that war is LONG...

And its HARD.

And for some...including me...

It can last for YEARS.

In my case I was DEEP in debt when I declared 
my independence so it took me several years
just to climb up to level ground before I could even
think about becoming finan.cially

But I did it.

And you can too.

If you are willing to DECLARE and if you
are willing to FIGHT the WAR.

And the hardest part about this war is that
you must fight it ALONE...

For the greatest battle will not be on the internet
or in the field...

But in your MIND.

And that is why I created Summer school 5 years ago.

To spend the summer with WARRIORS who were
prepared to fight the good fight and to break free from the 
reigns of BONDAGE that most people around the 
world live in without even knowing it.

Summer School begins Monday.

I have an incredible group shaped up to work 
with me and my husband and amazing counselor Larry Hochman.

Over TWENTY(20) sessions we will help you FIGHT, WORK, 
and break the MENTAL BONDAGE that has been holding you
back from the financial free.dom you desire...


Maybe you are already doing great but your business has 
become your new JAIL...

Come learn how I operate in only an hour or two a day...

Giving me the time freedom and lifestyle that people only
dream of....

Summer School is only $497

(Discounts provided to my regular customers--If that's you..just ask)

And we begin Monday.

Know you want in?

Hit reply and I will send you an invoice.

Have questions or not sure if this is for you?

Join me and Larry for a chat Sunday at 8 est.

Conference ID: 9774024#
Primary Number: (425) 440-5100
Secondary Number: (513) 233-7881
Local Numbers: Local

Just so you know...I reserve the right to cancel this
call if I fill the school up before then.

So if you are pretty sure and you have questions now...

Hit reply and ask away!

Or wait till Sunday and risk missing your spot.

I am keeping it INTIMATE this year.

Very intimate.

On purpose.

I want to help you Wage Your War!

So take up your arms...

Mount your horse and JOIN US...

On the road to YOUR independence.

Happy 4th!

Now time to go have some dogs and watermelon...

If it would only stop raining!

