Boy Wonder Brain Dump...

Published: Wed, 04/09/14 he's not such a boy anymore...

But the first time I saw Brian Fanale burst onto the scene
he was but a wee lad but he had the power of the keybord
like very few in our space...

Over the years he has written record breaking campaigns
with the skill of a well seasoned copy writing vet making
millions for himself and his organization.

Tonight he is doing a BRAIN DUMP.

It's called

Seduce YOUR Customers to Buy Your Stuff with

Dangerously Persuasive Words

And it is gonna be a hottie!

In my opinion learning copy writing is the best
ROI on your time investment because it NEVER 
changes like all the tech stuff does...

I can not tell you how magical it is to know
that on any given day you can write a letter or 
whip up a quick campaign that will get people 
throwing credit cards at you on demand.

I have been doing it for years...

Making money and recruiting like crazy all
with the power of WORDS...

But not just ANY words...

Sexy, persuasive, triggering words that
drive your customers WILD.

So REGISTER HERE and come on down at 9 pm est.

Bring a notebook and plan on being with us for a while
as we are gonna go DEEP!

I'll be hosting so be sure to give me a SHOUT OUT in the chat.

See you there...

And can invite anyone you like to come on down.

Its gonna be a PARTAY!

Here's to your becoming a professional marketer...

Learning copy writing is a major step to your going 
