First One Tonight...

Published: Tue, 02/25/14

Well I have been telling you that I am working
on a pre-launch for a while now and my group
has been growing rapidly but pretty much under wraps.


I have watched so many internet deals come flying
in with huge launches and tons of people screaming like 
crazy about it and then  I  have watched them die off
almost over night.

Heck..its happening again right now.

And for me...well that is just not how we wanted to
approach this launch as frankly..this is something that 
I expect to last for a long, long time...

So if I go running around like a maniac this month
then what will I do next month..

And the month after???

And the month after that?

How bout in a year?

How bout in FIVE?

I have only been in 2 programs in my career
until now...

One for 14 years and one for 3 before it merged with

So now as I embark on this I expect to be here for a
very long time so I take my approach and my investment
into my team  VERY seriously.

And I hope you do too with your project.

So many marketers out there treat people like

That which you slam in and see if they do anything
as opposed to giving them a proper plan for PROFIT.

I once heard a major marketer say..

"Take their money as fast as you  can so they ...

1) have no money to join something else

2) You got paid up front so when they quit you got their money"


That is just not how I roll.

And that is just not how TRUE residual income is created.

Sure can make a lot of money...

And many of these guys do.


If I could tell you how many have called me
crying in their soup after having lost it all you 
would be STUNNED.

Sometimes you just gotta go slow to go fast!

So I just wanted to send you out a note to let you
know we DO have our first presentation tonight if anyone 
wanted to come.

Its at 9 est and I will give out the link by request.

Just hit reply and ask for it.

And if you already have something you are working on...


I have something for you too.

This is the recording of last night's generic

Online Networking Training.

Watch Here

A ton of people showed up...

It was a great time.

This is for anyone who wants to learn 
fun, simple duplicatable ways to network online.

So let me know if you want to come tonight
and I'll get you a link....and if it interests you I can
 show you how you can be in profit in less than a week.

And last thing...

We started up our Mindset In The Morning
calls again at 10 am est.

Join us!

We chat at 9:52.

Begin at 10 and are out by 10:15

Conference ID: 9774024#
Primary Number: (425) 440-5100
Secondary Number: (513) 233-7881
Local Numbers:

You'll LOVE em!
