This Is About To Blow...

Published: Wed, 01/15/14

The other day I sent out that email about having

and I told you I got back hundreds of responses
that I tried to get back to one on one but that didn't 
work out to well since I also started another project
that has people banging down my door...

And NO...I am not exaggerating.

Ask any of my close buddies and they will tell 
you that I have been working my arse off ...

So bottom line is that a lot of people who wanted info
have not gotten it and truthfully I just didn't feel this was something
I wanted to broadcast  to the world...


I have since found out that some other big marketers have gotten
wind of it and will be blasting it all over the net so I decided it was 
better to  send it out to my subscribers than to have you miss out
on getting a first mover advantage.

This Baby Is About To Blow...

So never let it be said that Hochman did not look after you :)

So here's what it is and then I will let you do the looking ...

Have you heard about sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo?

They have been on the cutting edge of a new trend called
CROWD FUNDING where average people can take part 
in  helping launch a new company as opposed to that 
opportunity only being available to big dudes like you 
see on the TV show Shark Tank and Dragons Den 
for all you UK and Canadian Peeps :)

This has all been made possible by some new laws
that recently passed in the US and the opportunities
for people like us to get access to cool stuff are endless.

You are about to see a lot more about Crowd Funding 
in the months to come and what I am about to give you access
to is one of the first projects that is using AFFILIATES to
promote their project.

So go peek.

Its new....

Its different.

And its something that may interest you.

But look at it through the perspective of a BUSINESS PERSON.

This is one of many projects that are about to come down the pike
that I may or may not give you access to.

(We'll see how it goes...if you can be responsible...I can share)

So don't look at just the project and the niche it is in....

But look at the whole funding model and wrap your head
around what it can mean to you.

Watch the videos....

Pay attention and then decide if projects like this 
might fit in your business portfolio.

Don't judge on the space this project is catering to...

Just based on the size of the market the project is in
and how bit the revenue could be.

If you know me at all...

Once you look at this you will know I am NOT
the potential customer of this company...

But I am sure interested in how I can monetize their launch
and others like it.

This is  for big boys and girls only and

I can not give any advice about participation or promotion.

That is for YOU to figure out.

I am just passing the word along in case you wanted to be on the inside.

I'll leave it at that.

Check it out HERE

And oh...

If you took me up on the HOT 100 offer yesterday
I am doing a one on one HOT SEAT with one of the group
tomorrow at noon.

You need to be in the Facebook group to get the log in ...

And YES...It will be recorded.

If you missed my letter yesterday and want to know what I am talking 
about ...hit reply and I will send you out info.

These HOT SEATS cost $500 for non members...

But members get them for FREE.

Ok..gotta go...

I can smell that my chicken is done.

I LOVE a nice roasted chicken!

Soul hugs,
