One Last Shot To Get A DEAL On the December Intensive...

Published: Sun, 11/17/13

Immersion with a mentor...


That is really the ONLY way to 
TRULY assimilate the thought process
of a top earner...

You need to put in the hours with them...

There is no other way.

You can read books...

You can take courses...

But without direct communication
and guidance your chances of 
"getting it" are small.

Look around...

Ask around...

Find anyone who is making over 
six figures and they will tell you this is TRUE.

They had DIRECT GUIDANCE while working 
on building up their businesses.

And that is what my INTENSIVES are all about.

Working hands on with people during the months
of the year that I can take the time away from my 
own production and really grooming up people.

We did it this summer and it was a HUGE success and
now I am doing my very special December Intensive which is 
a whole different animal in and of itself as this is not a
"training course"....


Where we actually work LIVE..together for 
over TWENTY SESSIONS all within the 
month of December. jump into the warm waters of success
and you STOP thinking and start DOING with me 
there to hold your hand every step of the way.

Not to NURSE YOU...

But to fix your mind and keep you working 
so that you can finally have a break through.


I believe I have created the absolutely EASIEST 
way to run a successful home business under the sun.

But many just will not stay the course long enough to 
see it working so they think it just must be too good
to be true...

But I am many of my students are LIVING PROOF 
that your business can be super easy and fun to run when 
you are thinking properly.

And with TWENTY sessions within thirty days
you can not help but change your thinking 
unless you just do not show up or listen to the recordings.

On Thanksgiving the price goes to its normal $997 which is a STEAL.

But up until Thanksgiving I am gonna let people in for $497
which is only $25 a hands on session.

We meet almost every day in December and I actually 
work with you on YOUR business.

The schedule changes every day...

We use the phone and a facebook group to communicate...

Everything is recorded and this way EVERYONE can access
some sessions live and some via recording so I can talk to 
everyone in the group.


This type of hands on is only available to my top Protege clients 
for THOUSANDS of dollars and only when I take them on..

Which doesn't happen very often.

A few times a year at most.

So for $497 you are getting an experience like
no other in our space offers at a price point like this,

Its SICK and it WORKS for those that WORK!

Want it now...


Not sure yet...

Come to my overview Hangout on Tuesday and
hear from some of the people who have experienced this.

9 pm est

Register HERE

And if you are already in the Intensive...

Or if you studied with me over the summer...

Please come!

Love to have you share your story with 
people who are considering this...

In fact...

Hit reply and let me know if you have some words to share.

So that's it...

Last chance to spend December with me.

It's gonna be intense

And it will set you up for an amazing 2014.

If you ever wanted to become a PROFESSIONAL marketer...

