Just Sayin.... (Monday is too late for this one)

Published: Sun, 10/06/13

Ok...I am about to talk to you about something
that people in our space tend to have very STRONG
feelings about....

They either love it or they hate it but very few 
don't have an opinion.

That thing is Empower Network.

And pretty much every day online I see at least one 
argument going on about it...
Is it good.???
Is it bad???
Does it pay more???
Does it pay less???

Is it about free thinking???

Is it a cult???

It goes on and on...

The debate is ENDLESS.

And I have to tell you...

I really don't have much emotion
about it either way.

Have I made some mo.ney with them...


Do I promote them much?


Do I have friends there that make a bundle.


Do I have people I know who dropped
a bundle promoting it...


Do I like their message a lot of the time...

For sure.

Do I get disgusted by some of what I
see go on amongst their reps at time.


But one thing I know is that they are coming out
with something NEW in a few days that I think
is gonna change the playing field and I am 
quite happy that I will have access to it as 
I am grandfathered into the $25  cost for their
blogging system and will get to play with it when
it comes out next week.

So I don't know about you.

Maybe you are one of the people who have strong
negative feelings about Empower Network.

But me...

I am just using the tools.

And I think this new one is gonna be pretty darn cool.

So cool that I am writing you to tell you about it and 
see if you want to pop $25 to get grandfathered in too.

Worst case scenario...

It doesn't do what you need it to do
and you blew a few bucks.

Best case scenario it is amazing as all the 
screaming crazies on the internet say its gonna be.

Apparently it is a completely mobile platform for blogging.

And for me...

That is worth it for my business.

So set your problemo with EN (if you have one) aside
and just get grandfathered cause I think you need to
do it by TONIGHT.

Trying to find out right now.

But if its not tonight its tomorrow but I wouldn't wait.

Me personally.

I am on a plane tomorrow so not sure if I will even
get to communicate with you.

And here is something I want you to get...

You DO NOT need to sell something in order to use it.

If its cool...

It's cool.


And of course if you want to become an affiliate
you can too...


I just run more store and share stuff that I think
will help you build YOUR business.

Being able to blog from your phone with YOUR OWN 
domain where you can post, upload videos and pics
WILL help your business.

So that is why I am writing you.

Cause I have been DELINQUENT in telling you what
the word on the street it.

So go HERE and sign up for a blog.

It's a few bucks.

And then we'll look on Friday when they actually
launch the new tool and we can decide what we think.

Make sense?

That's what I'm doing anyway.

So there's the scoop.

Come fool around with this bloggy thingy with me
if you want.

No doubt I will come up with some cool ways to use it.

Its just another amazing way to





which is what I have been teaching for YEARS.

Cause that..and ONLY that..is the core of your business.


It's getting late.

I need my beauty sleep.

I am on my way out of town tomorrow.

A lot on the agenda.

Talk to you soon.
