When It All Comes Tumbling Down...

Published: Tue, 10/08/13

There is a difference between being negative and being REAL.

I am a VERY positive person.

But I am REAL.

As REAL as it gets.

And I do not go for wishing on a star
and praying to the unicorns of prosperity.

I go for running a profitable business...

Which means being KNOWLEDGEABLE about
what I do and the products I promote.

And it also means being diversified so if someone
other than ME makes a decision that impacts my 
revenue I have the option of moving in another 
direction in order to keep MY business SECURE.

I got a nice message today from someone who I have
never really worked with THANKING ME for the lessons 
she has learned over the years watching me as after quite
a few years and quite a few episodes of watching all her
hard work WASH AWAY she finally understands what I 
have been talking about all along.

And she has finally taken CONTROL of her business.

And yes...she is seeing some amazing PROFITS.

Makes my heart sing to see it happen for her.

And no..I didn't earn a dime on her efforts...

But for me..this is one of the most satisfying parts of
what I do...Showing people what I figured out YEARS AGO.

So why am I writing you today?

No reason really..

Except to maybe encourage you to TAKE CONTROL 
of your business starting TODAY.

To not wait to be told what to do as 95%
of the people who get into this industry do.

Why not play like your life and your family DEPEND on it?

Why not take it seriously and educate yourself.

Why not become a BUSINESS OWNER instead of a cog
in someone else's machine.

Cause you know what???

You are NEVER gonna make much money that way.

Ya...you might make a buck...

Until it all comes tumbling down like it always
does for those who do not make a decision to 
STEP UP and become a professional.

I know we all want to believe that someone else will 
tend to all the details and all we need to do is "plug in" 
and  we will earn six figures and more...

But I am here to tell you that that is a FAIRY TALE.

Not a popular message I know.

But its not negative...

Its just REAL.

And when I was starting out...

That was all I wanted.

For someone to be REAL with me.

So I am being that for YOU.

Cause I CARE.

About YOU and about this profession.

Nuff said.

I'm off in Dallas today working on some cool projects.

Hopefully soon I can leak a little bit about them to you.

But not just yet.


Speak soon.
