I'm Taking The Night Off...Here's Why...

Published: Fri, 09/27/13

I am SO done but I wanted to send you a
quick note before I shut down for the night...

I made some beautiful chili...

I have a bottle of red and Larry
is building a nice camp fire.

I am shot.

Been working like an animal this week...

So busy I barely wrote you as I have people
banging down my door about the not one but TWO
launches that are going on this week.

Tomorrow we move into our home stretch as one of them 
closes out Monday and one of them opens its doors the same day.

So here is the scoop cause I REALLY do not want you to miss out.

And for all the broke folks who I see making fun of me on Facebook...

Kiss My Arse cause these are two things I feel VERY strongly about,

And I am not running around hyping people trying to make a buck
like most of the bozos out there do when there is a launch.

I am a :LEGIT customer of both of these things and one of them
I have been using for YEARS and have also been VERY profitable with.

So just in case you have been in Bombay for a week and missed everything...

The first is a course I myself will be taking for the next 90 days and I am inviting
YOU to take it right along with me.

You can get all the details HERE

And as opposed to giving you a bunch of trumped up BONUSES
the gift I am giving you is to invite you to actually DO this course with me...

Be with me as I maneuver it too.

It aint called The Ultimate Game Of Life for nuttin...

And I am dead serious about working my way through this with
some runny buddies...

So if you really want to work with me as a colleague and not a student this
is the opportunity you have been waiting for.

Its going to be pretty profound.

I am SURE of it.

The other thing going on is the launch of The Power LeadSystem
which is the website building tool I have used for years but now with 
sexy, souped up pay plan added to it.

Opens Monday and all week I have been helping people 
learn how to pre ramp for a launch like this in my private "Boiler Room"

Tomorrow I go into the end game of the launch where I basically start
presenting and batting the people in like crazy.

If you want to see the tool go HERE

Get on the early bird list and commit to trying it our for a month
and you can come watch me work this launch and/or...you can work 

Up to you...

But what I DO know is that it's CHILI TIME!!!

Cool Autumn evening, some good eats and my honey with me...

Ain't much better than that!

See you tomorrow...



If you sign up for the early bird list for Power Lead System you need
to hit reply and let me know so I can get you in the group right away.

Critical marketing being done THIS WEEKEND.

Your last chance this year to observe something like this...

And quite frankly I am not aware of any top leader who lets people
REALLY see what they are up to.

So its a rare opportunity to come behind the curtain.