Playing With Myself...

Published: Mon, 09/23/13

Ok..Ok..settle down!

I know all the boys that are reading this
are snickering like crazy but I am actually 
quite serious about this.

So relax and stop your giggling and


Today is a very special day as far as I 
am concerned as it is the first time there is 
gonna be a course available out there to 
teach you how to ....


Now again...

I want you to SETTLE DOWN as I an NOT
talking about anything naughty!!!

I am talking about learning how to manipulate yourself with
games and challenges to get you to accomplish ANYTHING.

I have done this my whole life...

Always created little games to get myself to do well in 
school or now a days in my business...

In fact right now I am playing a game with a couple of
things I am involved with and when I play the games 
I ALWAYS achieve more than I ever thought possible.

Its the coolest thing...

Try to lose weight and it doesn't work...

Play a game with food and exercise and I shrink...

(Lost 35 pounds recently)

Try to make money and I bomb...

Play a game and I make a ton...

(Recruited 80 people in the last 2 days playing a game!)

This is ALWAYS how I have gotten stuff done.

And recently I learned there is a name for
this and its the HOTTEST thing to sweep the
marketplace in DECADES!

And corporations everywhere are using it to increase sales,
increase employee production and increase engagement 
with customers and prospects


All I was doing was trying to get my ADHD mind to FOCUS
buy apparently I was on the cutting edge...

Playing with myself!!!

So anyways...

Today a really cool course (or really a GAME) is coming out
that will run from  October 1st to December 31st.

Its an incredible way to close out your year and
set yourself up for a HUGE 2014.

As soon as I saw it I KNEW I was gonna go for it
and I am sending this to you to see if you want to
come along for the run.

I am looking for some runny buddies that want to take
things to a whole nutha level!

So basically I am inviting you to ...

Wait for it...

Wait for it...

Wait for it....

Come Play With Yourself With Me!!!

(I can not believe I just typed that!)


The dude who developed this is a Tony Robbins trainer and
one of the foremost experts in gamification out there.

Don't believe me about gamification being the hottest new thing out there???

GOOGLE the sucker.

I am not kidding ...

And YOU have the chance to employ this technology

So here's what we'll do.

Go look at the whole deal HERE

I want to support you in doing this...

And frankly I want YOU to support me in doing this
so as a bonus for my folks you are invited to my 
PRIVATE Facebook group where we will ALL work
TOGETHER and to get her done before 2013 closes out.


I have already laid out some pretty big goals
for next year and I need to tell you that


And I am looking for people who want to run with
me into our individual destinies.

Check out the course HERE



I will see you next year this time and
we can compare notes on how our year has gone.

If there was ever a time to invest in yourself with a group
that will support you all the way...

It is NOW

Go look HERE

And when you are IN

Hit REPLY and put in the subject line...

Diane...I am linking arms with you!

And lets do the MONKEES walk for the next week
and then settle down and play

Soul Hugs and Unicorn Kisses...


P.S. When you decide to run with me on this I will also show you how you can 
promote it with me if you want in order to earn back the cost of the course easy peasy.
But we only have till the 30th to get er done so make the decision NOW.

P.S.S. This course is being brought to you by Rippln which is a big company.

If you are already in the Rippln system but not an active rep and you want to
run on this course with me...HIT REPLY and contact me BEFORE you buy.

I will be around to help you..