Who You Kidding?

Published: Sun, 09/01/13

Happens every single day...

Phone rings...

I pick up...

"This is Diane...Can I help you?"

And there is someone who commences to tell me
how much they love my stuff and how they follow
all the stuff I put out...facebook, videos, classes etc.

And then they begin to tell me how they have 
been trying really hard in their business but somehow 
it is just not working for them.

It like clock work.

They all say the same things and all give the same 
reasons WHY things are not going as they hoped...

And they all then basically ask me if I can sprinkle
some fairy dust on them and make them magically


And then after a moment of silence I respond...

Generally with some nice words of encouragement...

I ask if they are on my list and if not get them
subscribed and then I direct them to my next 
fr.ee training that is coming up.

I don't try to sell them stuff or anything cause 
what I really want to do is scream...


I mean come on...

You joined a deal...

Did not do the training...

Didn't make a list...

Didn't set up your web pages...

Haven't gotten around to your autoresponder
after 6 months to a year...

Have met NO people
And  you wonder why its not working?????

And now you want me to fix you?

Come on...be serious...

Is this a joke???

And in any other profession that is EXACTLY what 
someone would say to you...

Like this...

So you graduated medical school how long ago?

Have not done your license paperwork,
didn't set up an office, have no patients, 
havent set up an office, and you have not practiced medicine 
at all in months on end and you want us to let you 
do surgery in OUR hospital?????

What are you INSANE????

Or get this one...

You need a lawyer...

You call the guy up...

You ask him about his recent cases and he tells you...


I haven't really taken any cases in a while...

I just wanted to get ready before I actually go to court
so I have been setting up my office and I got some nice
leather chairs and I go to all kinds of lawyer networking
things and I read the Harvard Law Journal religiously 
but no...no cases...no clients...

I am thinking I will get going in the new year..

It's better to start in January.

I can take your case then.

Let me ask you...

How fast would you RUN if you knew your
doctor or lawyer had not done what they need to do 
in order to serve you best?

Is there any chance in HECK that you would stick with them
if you knew this to be true?

No WAY...

But if they were a sharp young doctor who had been in residency
at a major hospital or a new up and coming lawyer who had just clerked 
with a top judge would you all of a sudden think...

Hey..this one is SHARP...

I'm gonna take a shot on a new guy????

Well that is how our industry works.

(And i know I am preaching to the choir as you would not be
on this list if you were not a DOER but just in a case  slacker
got through I MUST continue on my fine Sunday diatribe)

If you do not set your systems up....

If you do not expand your circle of influence...

If you do not get out there and get in the field...

If you have not taken the time to run with a top producer 
so you can learn from them...


Ain't no one gonna sign up with you!

They can tell the minute they meet you that you ain't
got it going on...

And they KNOW that you are NOT the one to take them
to the promised land.

So they pass.


Most don't even realize that they are being REJECTED
before they have even been REJECTED cause it never gets that far!


You CAN NOT buy success and you CAN NOT fake people out.

No one...

No upline, no teacher no guru has pixie dust they can sprinkle on you
if you pay them enough and NO ONE has the magic ad co op that 
will make you suddenly sign people up.

The only way to get there is REPETITION under the tutelage of someone
who has been down the road....


No other option.

So ask long as people like this DELUDE themselves there is NO HOPE.

It is in the minute of CLARITY that they ACCEPT the task
in front of them and embark on it that they WIN.

So here is what I am doing this fall for those that are ready...

Out in the marketplace they call me the "Queen Of Attraction Marketing"

Not exactly sure how I got the title but I do embrace it and actually 
take with it s real sense of responsibility.

I was taught all the stuff I know by a couple of mentors
and now years later it is my turn to teach people myself.

But I hate limiting what I do to a program as that makes me have to
EXCLUDE people who are not in the same MLM as me.

And really I just dig working with DOERS and people who

WILL NOT BE DENIED so I keep it pretty generic
and use a couple of homes to work with people from 
all different companies.

Those homes are
My Lead System Pro


Elite Marketing Pro (Magnetic Sponsoring)

These are the two bastions of ATTRACTION MARKETING
where you learn to get people chasing you instead of the other way around.

And anyone that is with me in these programs is included in my

Knights at The Round Table

A very special group where I do workshops and hands on mentoring.

This fall after I get back from my trip to England (I leave Wednesday)

I have put together a serious of workshops that are out of this world.

They will be $197 each but they are F.REE for my KNIGHTS.

So if you want to be included in all of them I encourage you to check 
out a 10 day trial to one or both of these places where you can earn
incredible ca.sh flow and residuals while building a great list to recruit 
into you M.LM from.


This is the best value in the industry.

Use one or both of these programs plus my mentorship to
catapult yourself to the inco.me you dream of.

Work along side magnificent people with no fluff and no bull.

Just not my way...

(as you can tell by this letter)

We work side by side every day.

And the only reason you will not succeed is YOUR not
following through...

Cause me...

I show up every single day.

Like clockwork.

Check out My Lead System Pro and Elite Marketing Pro

TODAY and give yourself time to poke around BEFORE I announce
what my members get for f.ree all this fall.

I know you are gonna LOVE it.

And listen...

One of the biggest gifts you can give yourself is TRUTH.

Be TRUTHFUL with yourself about what you are REALLY
doing with your business.

The fastest way to fail it to work with too few a number.

The reality is that you and your programs need to be seen by 
THOUSANDS of people and you need to recruit A LOT of 
people to gain momentum in your business.

I know they dumb it down for you and tell you that you just
need "three who get three" and all that jazz...

But that is a LIE.

If you want to make it you MUST learn how to get 
in front of very large masses of people without running yourself broke.

And I am not embarrased to say that THAT is what I am a MASTER at.

The question I pose to you on this fine Sunday is...

Do YOU want to learn.

If so...Take action and show me that I should spend time on you.

If you show me...


Ok..off to my mommy's for a visit.

See you tomorrow,
