Losing Money In Your Business...

Published: Mon, 07/29/13

I watch it every single day...

Good people losing LOTS of money in 
their home businesses.

And in a way its not their fault...

After all...no one ever gave them a class in high school
called Business Building 101 ...

But then again...

You gotta ask yourself...

Hey...what the hell?

When you go months on end without turning
a profit.

And that is where good old common sense need to come in.

Every try teaching your kid(or any kid) about money when they were little?

Remember how they would go for two singles over a 
five dollar bill cause there were TWO of the dollar bills 
and only one of the five dollar bills?

They did not understand that the five was FIVE just yet?

Well that is like new business owners.....

They tend to hold back and not want to invest into their
businesses at times even though they could increase their profitability
multiple times over by doing so.

They are not seeing the big picture....

Only the two $1 bills and thinking that is better than a $5.

Get it?

This is why I work so hard to train my folks on BUSINESS THINKING
and that is why I want you to come hang out with me and my buddy 
Brian tomorrow night as we talk some HARDCORE business thinking...

And this is not just me skipping rocks...

This is me sharing with something that has helped me
make more than 6 figures.

And more on the way so I feel pretty strongly about it.

Register HERE

We meet at 9 est on Tuesday.

Isn't it maybe time for some new THINKING?

I know for me it was a tilt o whirl of FUN
once I got this concept.

I want to give it to YOU.

See you there