Here You Go...Early Bird Access

Published: Thu, 06/23/11

The link to register for the event is
I will go over FULL details tonight after my class.
But this is for people who ALREADY KNOW they want to come.
Several of you have been waiting for this since March so let's 
Rock and Roll!
If you need more info...COOL...
But remember that there are only 20 spots so if you decide you are in...
Move swiftly.
Why do I only take 20 people and train you for a month before you 
sit with me LIVE...
So I can really HELP YOU silly!
You can catch the class at 9 PM est by clicking HERE
Feel free to also dial in if you want to interact or ask questions.
And if you need me..hit reply...
I will probably pick it up via my phone while I am on the move :)
Can't wait to see you either tonight or better the event.
P.S.  Have you hear about what goes on Saturday night's at these events?