Ask Diane--All About Marketing Tools and Techniques
Published: Sat, 05/14/11
New Blog Feature (I'm just full of em lately :)
At least once a week I will take a letter from a reader and answer it.
Feel free to send me your questions...
Today's question is all about marketing techniques and tools sent in by a very EAGER
marketer who had had huge success in the franchise world and is now moving into
internet marketing.
Check it out HERE
Enjoy and have a great weekend!
I am off to watch a movie with hubby :)
P.S. I am just finishing getting back with folks who inquired about the Instant Marketing Celebrity Event...looks like it is sold out but I will confirm tomorrow as payments from the people on the flex pay option come in.
If you were waiting to hear from me and haven't shoot me an email asap in case the
pending folks fall through.
Once I confirm that is sold out I will open up the waiting list for the 2 day event...
Instant Marketing Professional
I will have more spots for that one and it is less expensive so stay tuned for details.