Cash Flow Rolodex--How To Record Calls And Turn Them Into Cash
Published: Thu, 06/16/11
Two things for you today...
A new post in my Cash Flow Rolodex
Ever wonder how folks record conference calls and send them out to their lists or post them on their blogs?
Ever wonder how you can build a business training library for pennies?
Ever wonder how to take your trainings, record them and turn them into cds you can sell for cash flow?
The answer is here....
And then a new addition to the ASK DIANE series...
And this is a question I get a lot so I tried to really make is super easy to grasp
for anyone who is just starting out...
So there's some good stuff for you today.
Enjoy...let me know what you think by leaving me comments...
Share me on Facebook and Twitter if you think it will help anyone
Send me MORE questions.
I am LOVING answering them.
Have a great day!
Glinda the Good Witch