I'd Like To Syndicate Your Quality Content For You (Use MY List)

Published: Sun, 03/27/11

If you know me at all you know how I feel about ME TOO marketing.
This is where people play follow the leader and line up like LEMMIMGS to 
do what ever someone that they perceive to be a "leader" tells them to do.
Look around...you see it all day long ...
People making fools of themselves screaming  whatever some guy told them to say
People promoting and "endorsing" other folks just to get some promotion back.
I don't care how much "free traffic" you are supposed to get...
Using these kinds of tactics can really DESTROY your business.
So when I told my inside crew that I was getting involved with one  of the "tribe" thingys
out there they were like "WHAT???"
Diane Hochman is doing syndication???
Not long ago she ripped up the idea of tribe marketing and now she is saying LETS DO IT???
Well let me explain.
1) I still FIRMLY believe that if you join a "you tweet mine, I'll tweet yours group" 
you are shooting yourself in the foot.
Can you really afford to be syndicating "Is Melaleuca A Scam" blog posts all over
and expect to be taken seriously as a business person?
Taint gonna happen and if you are following someone who is teaching you that CRAP I beg you...STOP now if you ever want to make serious money.
2) I believe that anyone can set up their own "tribe" for free and have magnificent results.
You DO NOT need to pay anyone for this service.
You can do it yourself and my crew has done it for F.REE forever now.
It takes A LOT of time and A LOT of monitoring but it can be done for f.ree
And here is where I am willing to change paths...
Whenever I see SERIOUS LEVERAGE combined with major content distribution 
possibilities I am ALL OVER IT ..throw in a way to MAKE SOME INCOME to boot and it's ON LIKE DONKEY KONG BABY!
(yeah...I've been hanging out with the young guys from No Excuses a little bit too much...
Jeez I am turning 44 this week...maybe I shouldn't be writing this stuff!)
But anyways..I digress...
Recently I was over at BetterNetworker.com.
I am one of their instructors and on their  advisory board so I get an inside look
at what is going on over there...
And I noticed a HUGE flux of people getting much more attention there than normal 
and that made me need to SNOOP at what they were up to.(I am a SUPER SPY!)
I started investigating.
What I found was pretty amazing as it is a FULLY AUTOMATED, set it and forget it 
syndication system that I could start using right away that would let me get more targeted traffic to my content.
I was floored by how you could automate it and have to DO NOTHING and it would keep running and that I could  have a section for MY OWN GROUP within the system where I could help and train my guys but the problem I had  was that most of the people using the site were putting out that same old "Is Melaleuca A Scam?" junk type content that I am just not willing to
What I needed was some people who put out SOLID content that I could team up with and AUTO SYNDICATE  their stuff to my network of over 50,000+followers on all the various sites.
So I got a few of my buddies on board and we have been using it like nuts and now that I have tested it and I KNOW it is a good service I am ready to show you .
But here is the deal...
If you want me to play with you and you want me to send out YOUR content to my people
it MUST be good stuff...no hypey garbage...no "honest reviews" that are NOT honest etc.
I am looking to partner with  people who are out to build an ENTITY...out to build a LEGACY...
And you realize that putting your name on anything that is less than QUALITY is a HUGE MISTAKE.
So if that is you and you want to check out what I am up to go HERE
There are 3 levels to join at and one is f.ree so you can poke around and see how it all works and if you put something good up I certainly will share with my list when I log in every
once in a while...
But what I am really looking for is about 10 people who go PRO and have really solid content
so I can AUTO-SYNDICATE your stuff.  Meaning every time you post something...
My system sends it out for you...WHAMMO...so I NEED to know I can trust the 
quality of what you put out as the system will syndicate it before I even see it.
Having me AUTO-SYNDICATE YOU  could make a huge difference for you...
We are talking a lot of eyeballs and a lot of credibility almost overnight.
And I am dead serious about this...I want and need some quality partners who are thinking like
BUSINESS PEOPLE and who see what this can do for you let alone how you can promote 
the system and make some extra affiliate cash as well.
So if you are into this type of stuff...go look at the service HERE
I think you can still go pro for $10 for first month.
If you decide to try it send me an email to let me know so I can monitor your content 
and see if we have a fit.
If we do match up then we will autosyndicate each other.
And of course I will introduce you to other quality content producers so you can hook up 
with them and autosyndicate each other as well.
Within a short period of time you can have your links in front of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE...no kidding!
And it all goes on it's own...set it and FORGET IT.
To me..that is MAGIC!
And that is 
THE SWEET SPOT where m.oney is made!
Go HERE and see what I mean.
And then let me know if you are IN.
 I look forward to sharing YOU all over the internet.
I put this controversial post on my blog yesterday
Read it and let me know what you think...
Leave me a comment.
If You Go Down That Road...Prepare For The Backlash