Good Stuff

Published: Thu, 11/11/10

Hey ...
I am just so jacked up.
Maybe cause last night was the first time in forever that I got
a full night's sleep<giggles> or maybe cause these is just SO MUCH 
good stuff going on right now (which is the reason that I haven't slept)
that I am DYING to share it all with you.
So first things first.
Tomorrow <FRIDAY> I am doing a 2 hour open house.
I love doing these.
Marketing Q and A
Hot seat coaching...Good Stuff.
12 noon to 2 pm est
Stop by on your lunch
Register HERE
Next....I need to ask you a BIG FAVOR...
I don't know if you guys know what is
but they are a company that rates ALL of the websites in the WORLD!
And my blog is just about to crack the 100,000 mark!
Now you have to understand that there are MILLIONS of sites in the world and 
I am SO CLOSE to being in the top 100k which is the BIG TIME...
So I need your help.
Would you go visit the site and tweet a post or share it on Facebook?
I have some new stuff for you there to check out or you can look at any
of the FOUR (4) years worth of training that I have there for you.
The main site is at
And the 2 new videos are
Building Your Home Business Around Children
Starting Conversations And Finding Prospects
Thanks so much!!!
I appreciate it!
And then...and I KNOW this is getting long...
I have 2 other quick things for you...
1) If you wanted to peek at what is going on with The Home And Small Business Network
as we approach making things available to the public and also our major web campaign
You can peek HERE
There aren't even any letters in the system yet but I wanted you to be able to see.
The insiders that are already involved are going NUTS over what we have for everyone!
It might be something that will help you.
You be the judge of that...
Let me know if you have any questions...
And lastly
2) I have a person who can not make the live event that I am holding next weekend in CT.
If you want details on the one spot let me know.
First come first serve.
I can send you a video that explains what I have going on.
Ok...That's enough!!!
I gotta take the kids shopping.
(No school today)

See ya tomorrow at the open house!