Let The Games Begin!!! News At 11
Published: Mon, 03/01/10
Ok ...
I know the Olympics are over.
But in my case they are just beginning.
Are any of you old enough to remember this one?
Rest in peace Jim McKay
I so remember watching this on the weekends
(Well...actually my Dad was watching and I was just kinda there)
But I always LOVED when Jim said...
The Thrill of Victory
The Agony of Defeat
Even as a little kid it INSPIRED me.
And today as an adult I repeat that phrase very often as I ramp myself up
Cause even when I experience the AGONY OF DEFEAT
which I have a few times..I KNOW I gave it my ALL
And that is more than 95% will ever do.
And there is honor in scaling the wall...even if you don't make it to the top...
But this time...TRUTH...
I KNOW I have a slam dunk so I am JACKED.
And the thrill of victory...which I have patiently waited for...
Will be SWEET!
So now that contracts are signed on the project I told you about the other day...
(If you missed it...read HERE )
I am off to the battle field.
I am mounting my white stallion and going out to create something
for all the people who are tired of the HYPE and FLAVOR OF THE WEEK
deals that constantly collapse.
I am creating something for people that do not want to be "reps" but that
want a BUSINESS...their business..that will last them for YEARS.
So stay tuned for info on that.
In the mean time...
Wanted to remind you that it's MONDAY and we
have a great call coming up over at The Million Mind March
9:27 pm est
641 594-7000
Pass code 600088#
And if you haven't gotten the F.REE cd set from The March...
Definitely do at TheMillionMindmarch.com
Make sure you put that I sent you in comments so I can get you
extra goodies!
And last but not least...
I have some good content for you if you have not been keeping up with my blog.
A couple of articles
(This one was controversial)
And last weeks Million Mind March Call where
Joe Schroeder covers Who You Refuse To Be Is Responsible
For What You Don't Got
and I cover
What Richard Simmons Taught Me About Building My Business
Definitely leave me some comments and let me know your thoughts on things.
Did you know that I have over TWO HUNDRED (200) HOURS of
absolutely F R E E training available to you???
4 years worth.
So dig in and enjoy
Most of it is at DianeHochman.com
If you run out let me know cause
1) You are a FREAK
2) You should at least pay pal me $10 and buy me Burger King
3) You deserve a prize
Ok..I am off to see the wizard (in other words...make dinner for the fam)
Let me know if you need anything and if you replied to my email
from over the weekend...I will be in touch.
Later Percolater,