What if You Got Paid Residually To Be Unusual? TONIGHT
Published: Thu, 10/01/09
Just cut this audio for you:
Check it out.
Tonight I have the distinct honor of unveiling something
new at The Million Mind March that will tilt your world
if you are a weirdo like me <wink>
Come by at 8 pm est to hear the news.
641 594-7000
Pass code 600088#
Short call...just the dirt on the newest way to make residual
income WITHOUT compromising your values.
Ever feel sick to your stomach when promoting something
cause you knew in your heart that something was FUNKY.
Ever try to sell money when you haven't made a dime?
What if you could sell becoming
What if you could sell the essence of you?
(Or at least hang out for F.REE with some super cool freaky doodles
while you figure out your game plan to success?)
Freaks and Fringe Dwellers Only
Folks who just don't fit it welcome here.
People who actually fold laundry as opposed to lounging on
their yachts PREFERRED
(But we are equal opportunity so we won't discriminate if you do
happen to have a yahct)
In the end...I am looking for people who have a CALLING?
Do you?
Have something you KNOW you are supposed to do but not enough cash to
make it happen?
If you so you want to listen in.
8 pm est
641 594-7000
Pass code 600088#
P.S. Details on the Immersion Coaching Group are still up
at http://www.DianeHochman.com/mentoring/
I still have a few spots left.
Over 30 hours of HANDS ON coaching.
If you stick with me you WILL think differently.
You WILL become a cockroach (see video)
You WILL find a way...
Only a few hands on spots available
Once they are gone it's listen in ONLY.
See you there