I am the number one affiliate out of over 100k in a marketing training and tools program.
I've consistently made multi six figures with them for years now and I use this program as a FRONT END to all the other things I sell including my own courses and mentorship program."
It's been a pretty sweet gig for sure.
But sometimes people ask me...
Mind you most of the people who stick up their noses are broke but alas...I digress.
They say that's an old program...
I thought that program didn't exist anymore.
That program used to be good but it's not now....blankety blank is better.
And whenever someone says something like that I slyly smile and and say Ya...you're probably right and then I go back to counting my money!
All the things broke people see as a disadvantage I see as a HUGE advantage.
Not new
Not selling the hot new trend
To me this is the most wonderful thing.
And when the program offers up to 67% commissions on memberships and so much more I just can't understand why anyone would not see how lucrative it can be.
But hey...if people don't ...they don't.
I let them keep chasing while I quietly accumulate income.
That will never change.
On Friday the owner of this company asked me to jump in and talk to affiliates about my take on our annual big ticket offer where you can get 67% commissions and earn SIX FIGURES with just 70 people!
This was an insiders chat but I thought you might like to see it.
Check it out HERE...
I edited it to try to shorted in up but it's still a little long.
But if you want to really get how I made $1.5 million smackarooos here it's worth the watch.
And then if you want to see the whole offer and how it all works visit HERE
This is a VERY limited time offer.
No baloney.
And of course if you should. decide you want to go for it you get to work with me in my private group and get my help.
There is nothing I love better than to watch my people SCORE!
And at 67%....
The score is BIG!
Have questions?
Hit me back.
Ok...I need to get back at it now.
This is a big couple of weeks for me.
I'm looking to see who I will be working with for the next 12 months!
Maybe that you...
Hope so!
I have so much to teach you about the fine art of making money!
Diane "The Money Making Machine" Hochman