A hurricane was set to hit my area and everyone was scurrying to prepare.
Batten down the hatches!!!
Get water, Milk and Bread....
Fill the car with gas....
Be prepared for power outages...
Siren after siren....
Text after text....
The warnings came.
And here I am....short of breath...
Unable to do much or run errands or move furniture etc off the deck.
What's next???
My gosh...
Why do things always come in a series???
Bam, Boom, Biff.....
Get sick , hospital, hurricane, floods, isolation.
And ya....
Maybe just a bit of fear.
The predictions were much worse than the reality of the storm.
At least where I live.
(Some of Connecticut got slammed though)
Things are calm now....
I did not float away and in the end
Hope it's well by you too.
And I hope you kicked off your week strong despite any distractions you may be experiencing.
Those phone sirens are pretty darn creepy if you ask me.
I'd much rather have a test of the "Emergency Broadcast System" on TV like back in the day...
But then again I never much watch TV so I guess that stuff doesn't work anymore.
And so I am just gonna get back to work and not worry much about any of this.
I hear the sun will come out tomorrow. (CUE ANNIE!)
The grass will grow...the birds will sing and all will be well once again.
But the one thing that will NOT be the same after tonight is the discounted price of the Email Marketing Workshop we have cooking up for you.
If you want the DEAL you need to ACT NOW.
It's only $50 up to tonight and the best value we have ever offered when it comes to learning how to marketing with email.
Email is my bread and butter.
Has been for years on end.
You are reading this now....
If you want to learn this skill ONCE AND FOR ALL CLICK HERE
Dying to teach you all my secret tricks!
And hey....I'll give you 30 days fre.e to my lead gen system if you are not a member already.
I wanna show you some cool new stuff that just came out that will make list building UBER EASY for you.
Sign up HERE and let's roll.
And if Locusts come next....
We'll get through that too!
I'm a scrappy chick.
Nothing much stops me.
I wanna show you how to let nothing stop you.
It's your time.
Let me show you how we do this.
I'll get the bug spray just in case though!