So much for a fun filled holiday weekend :(
The weather took a weird turn and I spent all day yesterday with a headache and today woke up to rain and 35 degrees so my shore side plans were cancelled.
So what does a marketer do when their Memorial day plans get washed out?
We WORK of course!!!
I'm here in my living room with a fire in the fireplace and a laptop on my lap.
And ya...I am watching Top Chef Season 10.
I have been going through ALL 18 seasons.
I love to have a show that I don't have to be really paying attention to that I can watch when I'm doing buy work like graphics and content scheduling.
I uploaded a couple of videos over at YouTube for you too.
If you've never subscribed to my channel ...Definitely DO.
There's literally FOURTEEN years worth of MARKETING GOODNESS over there.
While I'm chilling here doing stuff I also need to book hotel room to go to Marina Simone's event at the end of July in South Florida.
This will be the first LIVE event I have attended in a year and a half.
I SO look forward to seeing HUMANS!
If you had any interest in attending live and having a VERY intimate experience with a bunch of top markers there are a handful of tickets left.
You can check out details HERE.
Ginny Krouth and I will be attending and we would LOVE to see you.
But if you are not up to traveling yet DON'T WORRY!
The event will be streamed LIVE plus you get a ton of bonus trainings including one from ME!
Best part is what is is INCREDIBLY REASONABLE.
Check that out HERE.
Marina is on the cutting edge of social media for networkers.
And she has BOTH Chalene Johnson and Brock Johnson training and they are WORLD CLASS.
Ok...let me get back at it.
I'm bummed I am not at the beach today but I gotta roll with the punches and do the do when the sun doesn't shine.
Luckily I can go to the beach ANY DAY so I am not too bummed.
The sum will shine soon and when it does I'll be there!
Soggy Hugs,